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SCELL’S Two-Day Training Bootcamps a Big Success & Seats Still Available!

natashagittens05092016PHILIPSBURG:--- SCELL, the University of St. Martin’s School of Continuing Education & Life Long Learning pronounced the month of September as “Get Ready for the High Season, “on their first Anniversary on August 1, 2016. In preparation for the Get Ready for High Season Month, SCELL launched (5) Two-Day Boot Camps.

SCELL Director, Dr. Natasha Gittens stated: SCELL’s 2-Day Boot Camps have been well received by the St. Maarten community. We have over 200+ persons registered to attend a variety of our Boot Camps. The Boot Camps will be held at The University of St. Martin (USM). All Bootcamps comprise of 2 days and start at 8:30am – 3:00pm on both days. The price for each boot camp ranges from $399.00-$499.00 and lunch will be provided.
Over 20+ organizations have registered employees for the Bootcamps. To name a few, GEBE N.V, The Port of St. Martin, Inspection Department TEATT- Ministerie v. Toerisme, Princess Juliana Airport, Travel Planners, First Caribbean Bank, (CIBC) Nagico, Telem Group, Orco Bank, White Yellow Cross Foundation, Total Cleaning, Winward Islands Bank, and International Liquor & Tobacco Trading, N.V.
The first Boot camp kicks off this Wednesday & Thursday, Successful Professional Boot Camp. The Bootcamp will assist professionals with understanding the importance of professional attire, appropriate speech and language, time management, meeting management, business writing, email & phone etiquette, personal goal setting, career development and educational planning. This Boot Camp will be held on: September 7 & 8th. Cost $399.00.

The Customer Service Boot Camp will discuss the principles of effective Customer Service & Customer Care and employees will be introduced to proven practices they will ensure 100% Customer Service satisfaction for both guests and clients. The Customer Service Boot Camp will be held on: September 13 & 14th. Cost $399.00.
The Management & Leadership Boot Camp is specifically designed for Managing Directors, Human Resources Managers and individuals holding high post(s) within their organizations. Leaders will receive a clear understanding of how to effectively manage, lead and guide a successful organization on a day–to day-basis. This Boot Camp will be held on: September 15 & 16. Cost $499.00.
The Supervisory Boot Camp has received massive attention and we currently have over 120+ persons enrolled with limited space still available. This Boot Camp will introduce Supervisors from a variety of different businesses how to effectively lead work teams to win and reach immeasurable levels of success among their employees. This Boot Camp will be held on: September 20 & 21st and 27 & 28th. Cost $399.00.
The Effective Sales Professional Boot Camp is a captivating training that will provide sales professionals from a variety of different industries with exceptional tools and techniques to master the art of profitable sales. This Boot Camp will be held on September 29 & 30th. Cost $399.00.
If you are interested in registering for any of the Boot Camps, please call 543-3710 or 554-2437 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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