To get a better insight in the needs and requirements of different groups in the St Maarten society when it comes to the overall infrastructure for a new library facility the library management recently initiated a research project . The main part of this project is a questionnaire which has been sent via e-mail to a selective group of respondents, including government officials, directors of key companies on the island and various foundation representatives.
President of the Library Board, Mrs. Chantal Schaminee and Director Mrs. Monique Alberts issued a joint statement, stating: "The Philipsburg Jubilee Library made a selection of respondents who represent a wide spectrum of our community. We encourage all invited participants to fill in and submit answers to the questions in preparation for a possible face-to-face clarification interview with the Project Coordinator, Mr. Jimmy Challenger. The deadline for submitting answers to the questions is set for the 15th of April, allowing time to move into the second and third phases of the project."
The first respondent was Mrs. Elsje Bosch, Director of the St. Maarten National Heritage Foundation, who also took part in an interview, she stated: "These types of enquiries are important to the development of the library and our community as a whole. The questionnaire is simple, clear and covers the relevant areas for a proper discussion on the community's needs and wants as it pertains to the new Philipsburg Jubilee Library facilities- a vital institution. In a few minutes a valued contribution can be made that enhances the future of St. Maarten."
The invited respondents may contact the Project Coordinator via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The input given will be more than welcomed by the architectural designers and contractors who will design and construct the building based on the needs and wants of the St. Maarten community.