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WINAIR Upgrades Website to Include Partner Airline Insel Air.

winairAirport:--- Regional airline Windward Islands Airways "WINAIR," has upgraded its website to allow passengers from the Islands of Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten to purchase tickets on Insel Air. According to VP of Marketing, Claudio Buncamper this new arrangement is to the following routes of Curacao, Bonaire, and Aruba. He said that this feature has been active for over one month on a testing phase.

The VP of Marketing noted that the response of users on the Islands found this new feature an added benefit. Buncamper urged users of the company's website to place more emphasis on making use of the numerous benefits available. He said that he is confident that the new partnership between WINAIR and Insel Air will bear significant fruits noting that it demonstrates the growing popularity and holistic growth of WINAIR.

He noted that despite the challenges that the airline continues to face management with the assistance of the marketing department has a tremendous burst of energy in their continued quest to promote the airline.

He added that in future WINAIR will be adding all of Insel Air routes to its traveling public. Buncamper said that the relationship between WINAIR and Insel Air has been very good and the ability of both carriers having an interline e-ticketing agreement has allowed the carries to offer these added value services on the website. He stressed that the aim of this venture, is to provide quality and enhanced service for the traveling public adding that with increase technologies so should there be increased service, which the public truly deserves.

An official of Insel Air expressed confidence that they would be able to accomplish much together.

Meanwhile, Managing Director of WINAIR, Edwin Hodge indicated that like he is very satisfied and pleased with this enhancement on WINAIR's website with another airline . He said that its testimony that WINAIR continues to grow despite its growing challenges and difficulties, which he noted, has helped to spur the management and staff on so as to remain viable and open.

Hodge added that he will continue to enhance the service of WINAIR as there is need for the additional service to the traveling public thus ensuring that people get value for their hard earned money.

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