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Learning Unlimited Interact and Earlyact hold Joint Induction Ceremony

interact19102016Earlyact and Interact Add New Members to Their Growing Clubs

PHILIPSBURG:--- Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Earlyact and Interact Clubs, held a joint induction ceremony on October 13th at Learning Unlimited.
The Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Earlyact Club and Interact Club each installed its new Board of Directors and inducted a number of new members by the President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, Henna Budhrani. Present for this auspicious event were Rotary Advisors to Learning Unlimited, Robert Judd, Jeffrey “Soc” Sochrin and Melanie Daboul, along with the Learning Unlimited faculty advisors Linday Grasmeyer and Eion Maison.
Leading the Interact Club at Learning Unlimited for the coming year is President Priti Budhrani, Secretary/President-Elect Celine Mayeko-Coklee, Vice President Viren Baharani, Sergeant-At-Arms Mohit Menghani, Treasurer, Pritika Lakhwani, Club Service Chair Aashish Aswani, Finance Committee Chair Nishita Sadarangani, International Relations Chair Hanaya Merlet Decoration Committee Chairs are Sabrina Khemlani and Yshmael Hermoso, and Public Relations Chair Rylan Tackling. The following new members of the Interact Club were inducted: Mohit Sadarangani, Chelsea Norley, Dhruv Sagre, Sudi Ozkan, and Rohan Kalra.
Leading the Earlyact Club at Learning Unlimited for the coming year is President Drake Arielle Daboul, Secretary/President-Elect Ava Kopec, Vice President Riya Baharani, Second Vice President Aryan Notani, Treasurer Sanya Daryanani, Fundraising Chair Krish Chellani, Corresponding Secretary Ishika Sadarangani, and Head Chairperson Prerna Ramchandani. The following new members of the Earlyact Club were inducted: Avinash Kenchandani, Dhiren Punjabi, Shirley Sadowski, Yuvraj Vaswani, Zara Budhrani, D’ante President, and Mai-Angel Martis.
President Henna Budharani said, “I hereby encourage and challenge each and every one of you to see how you can help to make a difference- how you can be the vehicle of change within your community- and how you can help make it better for the less fortunate.” She then went on to quote the great Mahatma Gandhi, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Keynote speaker, Rebecca Low, Past Assistant Governor and current Public Image Chair for Rotary District 7020, addressed the crowd of more than 100 attendees. Ms. Low challenged the new Interactors and Earlyactors to get involved! She said, “You have just joined an incredibly large family - the Family of Rotary. With that comes tremendous opportunities to make new friends, to give back to St Maarten and to the world. Your actions whether they be large or small, will make a positive impact. The only thing that can limit you is your imagination. So take that step and be bold but remember to have fun while you are making a difference."

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

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