So what made this time around different? Amenzee recounted to CANTO: "I was moved by the theme this year as it appealed to me; I did a lot of research and prayed a lot".
Amenzee Amu's prayers were definitely answered and she will be joining the rest of the CANTO membership in Miami at the 28th Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition.
The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) spearheaded by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is observed annually on the 17th of May. To commemorate this occasion CANTO based in Trinidad & Tobago engages in numerous activities including an annual essay competition. This year CANTO celebrated its sixth year of staging the competition under the current ITU theme of: "Women and Girls in ICTs".
The competition included participating member countries of CANTO. Entries were judged by a panel of experts in the field of telecommunications and education on creativity, organization, mechanics and educational/technical merit. The top four (4) essays were selected and will be awarded the following prizes:
- 1st Place: Trip for 2 plus hotel accommodation to CANTO's 28th Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition in Miami from the 22nd – 25th July, 2012; a Netbook computer plus US$1,000
- 2nd Place: A Netbook computer plus US$500
- 3rd Place: A Smartphone plus US$250
- 4th Place: A Smartphone
The winners were as follows: First Place: Amenzee Amu, St. John's Junior College , Belize; Second Place: Kennisa Laila Celestine, Dominica State College, Dominica ; Third Place: Zachary Luke Subran Ganesh, Presentation College , Trinidad & Tobago ; Fourth Place: LaClaire Robinson , St. Vincent & the Grenadines Community College, St. Vincent & the Grenadines .
CANTO congratulates all the entrants from Antigua, Belize, The Bahamas, Dominica, Guyana, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Jamaica, St. Maarten, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago. We also thank all the members for promoting the campaign in their respective countries and last but not least a hearty thank you to the following judges for their time and patience: Monica Ramjattan (UWI.- St. Augustine) ;Wendy Rocke (Soroptomist, Port of Spain ); Vydia Bhagan (TSTT); Joyce Zijler (Ministry of Education – Suriname) and Dionne Miranda (BTL)
The Board of Directors and CANTO Secretariat extend a happy World Telecommunication and Information Society Day to its membership and urge all to encourage and incorporate women and girls in ICTs.
CANTO 2012 - WTISD Agenda:
- April 26th - Women and Girls in ICT, Bishop's Centenary College, Trinidad & Tobago
- May 17th - Announcement of WTISD essay winner on the 17th of May 2012
- July 24th - Women and Girls in ICT Breakfast Meeting – Hyatt Regency Miami , Florida
- CANTO - 28th Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition – Hyatt Regency Hotel , Miami, Florida
- Sept-Oct - CANTO & UWI - Women and Girls in ICT Program