Commissioner of economic affairs Maria Buncamper Molanus said the island government has decided to support the idea which was presented to them just over a week ago by the inspections and control department.
The program which is intended to be a pilot program was contracted to Sheriff Security which began yesterday and will run until January 5th 2009.
The commissioner said the idea is to make shoppers more secure with this additional security. The unarmed men will be working in close cooperation with the Zero Tolerance Team, and the Inspections and control department which is a team effort aimed at combating crime during the holiday season.
Even though police steps up their control during holiday season, the island government feels it is necessary for them to make an additional effort by providing the necessary tools which will help make Philipsburg a safer area to shop.
While this is the first time the island government has financed such a project and if it is successful then they hope it will be used on a long term basis if successful.
Asked what criteria was used to select Sheriff Security Buncamper Molanus said that the plan was supplied by that company while this company has the necessary tools and training that is needed.
Asked if this project will be replacing the initiative taken by police coach Ronald Dongor who went all the way to Suriname to see how the bicycle works. Buncamper Molanus said she does not intend to replace the police since that is the responsibility of the police but if the human resources and finances locally then it is the way for them to go when it comes to fighting crime.