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richyThis past year has been one full of challenges and I'm very sure the coming year holds new ones, but I must say, it also holds great promise. The Windward Islands Police Force (Korps Politie Sint Maarten Saba en Sint Eustatius) together with the community which it serves, has always confronted all obstacles together and we will together face the future.
We accept the challenges that lie before us, just as we have shouldered the many burdens in the past. We have done this unswervingly, knowing that our pride and strength would carry us through.
This police force has never sidestepped the responsibility of protecting and serving this community and has pledged to continue doing so. For 2009, while we face the numerous new challenges, we will without any doubt be striving to fulfill our Mission and Vision, in which we deliver the highest quality of service for the safety and protection of the community and to "hand in hand" with the community achieve the highest level of Community Policing. The police force therefore seeks the total support of the community, this coming year, to jointly overcome all obstacles and triumph in the end.
As Deputy Chief of Police of the Windward Islands Police Force I would like to wish all its members, their family and loved ones, the Minister of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles Mr. David Dick, the local Chief of Police and Lieutenant Governor of Sint Maarten Mr. Franklin Richards, the Lieutenant Governor of Sint Eustatius Mr. GITTENS, the Lieutenant Governor of Saba Mr. JOHNSON, the leadership and members of the V.K.S. (Vrijwilligers Korps Sint Maarten) and V.K.E. ( Vrijwilligers Korps Sint Eustatius), the leadership and members of the Koninklijke Marechaussee, leadership and members of the R.S.T. (Recherché Samenwerking Team), the Public prosecutors Office and staff, and all other Judiciary Departments and most of all the entire community of Sint Maarten Saba and Sint Eustatius, a very happy and productive 2009.
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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x