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youngmenfrmcknightPhilipsburg:---A number of young men who have been accused of being members of the 'blue gang' have come forward to dispute what they are calling as misconceptions and untruths about them adding that the public should stop referring to them as gang members as it creates a negative view of them.

"We are no killers as what many people are peddling on the radio stations and in the newspapers. We are simple poor young men who wants to make meaningful contribution to the growth and development of the federation in which we live and the media has to be more responsible in allowing this nonsense to be peddled vi their media house," a young man who requested anominity said.

The young men had gathered o discuss economic, crime and other social ills facing their community with the President of the Pastor Desmond Herbert Foundation. The invitation which was extended by the foundation as part of it Let's Talk Initiative met with the youth in a four hour meeting to iron out a number of issues while deciding on a way forward in an effort to seriously address crime.

In the very vocal meeting the youths warned callers about jumping to make allegations and other suggestions against them without first understanding the issues that they are faced with. "Some people say that we should be locked up because they (callers) say that we are a gang but what have we done to be locked up when we are merely congregating as any group, club or institution. Locking us up for very long period will not help because in the end there is more hatred, hurt and frustration," a young man passionately declared.

The young man went on to say that many of the callers are creating a negative approach of members within the society towards then noting, "we are not the ones that they need to be afraid of as we are merely young men who are trying to do positive things within our community but how can they be peace and love when we are constantly harassed, brutalized, singled out and chastised within our society," he asked.

A number of allegations were leveled against the police and other key individuals within society. Among them were constant police brutality, society's quick reaction to label misguided young men while refusing to offer them a second chance at integrating themselves within society, significant long years for crimes thus preventing any possibility for convicted persons to be rehabilitated, corruption among prisons officials and what they dubbed as politician's refusal to lend any meaningful assistance to the affected communities plight.

"You can't talk about bringing red and blue together to live in harmony when both red and blue has issues that needs to be iron out within their own communities. We must begin by firstly addressing the respective issues that we face in both communities before we can even attempt to talk about both red and bleu getting on," another young man said.

The young men expressed disappointment and disgust at what they said as been people's joy to have them incarcerated for very long time forgetting that many of them have children to feed adding that they are creating and instituting hatred in many of these young men children. "When we are incarcerated and our young children have nothing to eat and their mothers have no way to sleep or turn to they (mothers) will resort to having another man or being involved in prostitution while the children will resort to crime as a way out of poverty. A hungry man is an angry man so stop looking at the issue from one angle and look at it properly," a young man pleaded with the public.

"Many of us are seeking second chances but we are not getting any and with the media houses mainly radio stations giving the public significant airplay in creating hatred against us it will not help the situation as while the public builds hatred against us we are building with disgust and frustration over how we are being treated when we only want a second chance," he warned.

"When we go to jail in many cases we have a girlfriend, mother, sister, child and brother out there and like anyone they feel the pain and anguish that we go through at the hands of the police and prison authorities who are bent on making their life a living hell. So how can we make meaningful contr8bution to society when all people talk about on the radio is to lock us up and do this and do that, well they must understand that they are not curbing the problem they are making us into harden criminals as all the jail serves to do is to strengthen and making us stronger," a young man who was visibly upset said.

We are ready and willing to respond to any approach that is geared towards addressing the many problems that we faced with rather than deciding already that we should be excluded from society. Many of the young men criticized government's and the police action in addressing the crime situation adding that with a different approach the situation will be effectively addressed. The youth stressed that government has to begin weeding out corrupt prison and police officers if they are really serious about addressing crime,

"If the Prime Minister wants a solution to this problem let him get rid of those corrupt police and prison officials so that we (young men) can live a meaningful life as a cornered cat will only scratch back," the young man said.

The young man went on to speak about several "oppressive actions against prisoners" used as a means of breaking the prisoners. "they would continue to bang us but we will continue to be strong, there are a lot of persons who are excited to jump unto the airwaves saying that we are creating fear in society but they are the ones creating fear as while they (callers) are criticizing about this and that none had come forward to suggest what they are prepared to do so as to help. I think that many of them should really shut up as they have no knowledge of what is really going on," this is not a problem of red against bleu or blue against red it is a problem of how we are treated within society by both the public and the oppressors (police and prison officials)," another youth noted.

A young man who said that he had spent some years in prison said that upon his release he had no where to go thus being forced to seek help and assistance from his friends," when I went to jail I had an apartment but after being incarcerated I lost it and upon my release my family was so pressured by society to shun me that my brethren willingly open their hands to me to offer me a shelter and food," he said.

Accusing religious and political leaders of being ignorant about the problem he said that many religious leaders are merely talking but not doing anything. all the religious leaders are talking and telling us to come to church but no body is asking is if we have a place p rest our heads, clothes to wear and food to eat when we are released from prisons, how can we accept their offer of god getting into our lives when they are all taken up with other things in the church and merely just using we as window decoration," a young man questioned.

"The churches are failing to open their eyes to reality as many times when you confide in the pastors or senior members within the church within days the whole world is told about your life story while many of the churches do not ask those attending whether when they leave to go home if they have any thing at home to eat, they are only interested in building numbers, we are interested in survival at all cost," a young lad noted.

We are truly committed in turning our lives around but institute genuine programmes and initiatives that we can recognize that we are being afforded a second chance. Also be aware that we also can make meaningful suggestions in curbing the problem that we are faced by," the young men said that they would like an urgent private meeting with the Prime Minister so as to relay their concern in a frank private manner.

We do not want tie and suit business with lots of people telling us what we want we want the PM to come and listen to us in a frank and open way and not just show up for 30 minutes but to give us at least a solid two three hours we can tell him what I the root and contributing factors to the problem.

Another thing that had to be looked into the corrupt practices whereby a number of girlfriends are forced to sleep with prison officers so as to ensure that their boyfriends in prison has preferential treatment while in prison. Many times if the young ladies refuses to get involved with some of the police and prison officers their boyfriends are treated severely bad, this has to stop now as what they (prison officers) are doing is turning a good man into a killing machine," a young man passionately related.

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