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Saint-Martin Evolution Toastmasters "Marlene Toma President Elect 2017-2018.

toastmastersfrsxm11052017MARIGOT:--- Elected on Tuesday, May 2, President Elect Toastmaster Marlene Toma will take the helm of the Club on July 1, 2017. Marlene is a midwife by profession and work at the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital for 22 year and is now working with the Family planning and maternel and child health care of the COM; she is also the Vice President of the association Maternité Activea. She is a very active Toastmaster who is not afraid take on new challenges. She is a very hard-working and dependable Toastmaster who can be count on in a crunch.
Marlene will be leading a dynamic team of both new and experienced members for the next year consisting of Vice President Education TM Vernicia Brooks, Vice President Membership TM Lovely Thomas, Vice President Public Relations TM Noemi Bordelais, Secretary/Immediate Past President TM Shirma France, Treasurer TM Christelle Chittick, and Sergeant at Arms TM Ghislaine Lainez.
The Executive board has a challenging year ahead as they aim to maintain the Clubs’ record of becoming “President Distinguished”. This distinction is confer on Clubs who achieved the ten goals set forth by Toastmaster International annually for Clubs to attain within a Toastmaster year, and which the Saint-Martin Evolution Toastmasters Club has been able to attain for the past two years. Toastmaster International is also currently rolling out the new Education program called Pathways by region and districts. In this area, President-Elect Marlene and her board will have to ensure the members understands and transition in an orderly manner.
Congratulations to the incoming board and much success in your leadership roles for the new Toastmaster year. The Saint-Martin Evolution Toastmasters Club is a bilingual Club that meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Former Evelina Halley School in Marigot at 7:30 pm sharp. All are welcome.

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