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FCDSM Incoming President Luciana Raspail.

carnavalboard03082017MARIGOT:---The French Carnival committee (FCDSM) members held elections for a new Executive Board during their annual general meeting on Monday, June 26th, 2017.

Luciana RASPAIL, who has been the General Secretary of the committee from 2013-2017, has been elected as the incoming President of FCSM for the next 3 years. The incoming Executive Board Members are President; Luciana RASPAIL, Vice-President; Alex PIERRE, General Secretary; Maeva JAMES, Assistant Secretary; Rosine FRANCILLETTE, Treasurer; Claudine MINGAU, Assistant Treasurer; Serge WEINUM, Children Parade Commission; Kathy AFRICA and Adult Parade Commission; Ricardo GUMBS.

The incoming executive board comprises of mainly past board members who have a vase knowledge of culture with years of experience. The incoming board members’ qualities affirm their readiness to carry out their obligation for the continuous growth of this important cultural event.

Ms. Raspail is succeeding Jean-Philippe RICHARDSON who held 2 mandates under the FCDSM which was formed in 2011. The main objective of the FCDSM is to organize and execute the Carnival activities on the French Side of the island.

During the meeting, Jean-Philippe addressed the members for the last time as President by congratulating and thanking them for their selfless commitment and being an avid contributor to the development of Saint-Martin's carnival culture for the past 6 years.
Mr. Richardson reassured the members that he will maintain his membership in the committee, continue to be present and support the incoming Executive Board.

The agenda points for this meeting also included the financial statement and activity budget which was presented to the members by outgoing Treasurer; Alex Pierre and General Secretary; Luciana Raspail.

FCDSM invites the entire population to save the dates, participate and celebrate in Saint Martin’s Carnival festivities from January 26th to February 14th, 2018. Stay tuned to the various media outlets for more information on the happenings of Carnival 2018. FCDSM can be contacted by telephone /, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Facebook Carnaval de Saint-Martin

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