Marlin and Doran also signed off a 2.6 million guilders contract, which is, go towards the training of teachers and to buy materials for the PSVE schools on St. Maarten. Marlin said the monies will not be used to build new classrooms but instead some of it will be used to also improve some of the structures that are already in place. The duration of this project is to last two years and is intended to raise the level of education in the PSVE stream.
More Monies Needed to Build New Secondary School.
Marlin and Doran also signed off a 2.6 million guilders contract, which is, go towards the training of teachers and to buy materials for the PSVE schools on St. Maarten. Marlin said the monies will not be used to build new classrooms but instead some of it will be used to also improve some of the structures that are already in place. The duration of this project is to last two years and is intended to raise the level of education in the PSVE stream.