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Pepper Pot “Projects within a vision”: new TV program launched to tackle society related issues.

St. Louis,— A new educational and informative TV-forum in which propositions and solutions are made towards issues of our society on all levels, by and with the community at large, will be launched within soon. Pepper Pot, "Projects within a vision" is the brainchild of Fabrice 'Faby' Baly, a young entrepreneur with a clear mission on contributing to the betterment of St. Martin.
The concept is to have for one month, weekly discussions on a topic with guests and panel members as well as the audience at home. "By involving different disciplines, expertise and knowledge, the TV-platform strives to deliver information in a neutral, fair and integer way", althus Baly. After a month, the team behind Pepper Pot translates the input of the discussions and the solutions proposed to concrete and attainable objectives that will be executed as joint ventures between the community, government and all other relevant stakeholders.
The program is aired (live) on a weekly basis on MSR TV-channel 15 French St. Martin, Tuesdays from 8 – 9 PM and will be within short also available on The program will also be shown in its entirety on Youtube, SXMtube and Facebook.
The TV-forum is just one of the endeavors the non-profit Foundation (PPPWAV) will approach in the concept of society building and society seeking solutions in an impartial and integer manner. More information on the first project of Pepper Pot will follow soon as well as on the team behind the vision. Questions and inquiries can be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Facebook (Pepper Pot SXM).
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