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President of Parliament Convenes Meeting on Integrity Chamber and Border Control.

sarahwescotwillliams0304201PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament, Sarah Wescot -Williams has convened a public meeting of Parliament, to which the honorable Prime Minister, William Marlin has been invited, with the agenda points; Integrity Chamber and Border Control.

“ As president of Parliament, I may convene meetings of Parliament as often as deemed necessary. In the case of the two aforementioned agenda points, I not only deem it necessary, I believe these matters are of utmost importance and urgency. We have heard the arguments, now Parliament has the opportunity to address the issues, also in light of looming deadlines, agreed to or not.
The draft law itself is not yet at Parliament, but Government should be able to present its draft law Integrity Chamber; the comments of the Council of Advice, as well as Government’s reaction to this advice. These are all part of the formal process of draft legislation. However, given the importance of the draft integrity chamber legislation, the Parliament can debate the topic with the presentation by the Government of all relevant documentation.”
Border control is presently also a topic in the context of reconstruction aid and assistance to St. Maarten. I have noted recently that Parliament must act proactively, especially given the circumstances we find ourselves in, following the devastation caused by hurricane Irma.”

This urgent public meeting has been convened for Thursday, October 26th, at 4 pm. This meeting will be streamed live on Parliament’s Facebook page at

Press Release from Office of President of Parliament

Urgent Plenary Session of Parliament about the Integrity Chamber and Border control scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in an urgent plenary public meeting on Thursday, October 26, 2017. The Minister of General Affairs and the Minister of Justice will be present for this meeting.
The urgent plenary public meeting is scheduled for 16.00 hrs in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg.
The agenda points are:

  1. Questions directed to the Minister of General Affairs related to the conditions put forward by the Dutch Government with regards to assistance to Sint Maarten (IS/030/2017-2018 dated October 12, 2017 and IS/046/2017-2018 dated October 23, 2017)
  2. Discussion on Integrity Chamber
  3. Discussion on Border control

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, SXMGOV Radio 107.9FM, video live stream via the Internet, and also Parliament's FB page: Parliament of Sint Maarten.

Parliament of St. Maarten Press Release

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