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Police force receives new vehicles for detective department.

rboasmanhandsovercarkeys17122017PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday, December 14th the St. Maarten Police Force (KPSM) received the first two of six new vehicles to be added to its fleet.
The new vehicles will be assigned to the detective department as that department's vehicles suffered severe damage from Hurricane Irma in September and were deemed unfit for driving.
In addition to the two new vehicles, KPSM received three more vehicles for the detective department and one bus/van to be used for transportation.
With the addition of the new vehicles, the Police Force is in a much better position to provide the much-needed service and security to the community particularly during the upcoming holiday’s season. 

CPOs honored.

cposhonored17122017ST. PETERS:--- On Tuesday, December 12th during a short ceremony at the Prins Willem Alexander School the CPOs Arcella Leonard, Shawn Crispulo from KPSM and Elvis Jamanika of the Nationale Dutch Police Force were honored by the management and staff of the Prins Willem Alexander School for their hard work and dedication during 2017 and especially in the aftermath of hurricane Irma. They were all presented with a gift certificate as a token of appreciation by the management of the school.

KPSM Press Release

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