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SMCP Candidate Shenella Browne Opts Out Due To Health Reasons.

shenellabrowne19112017PHILIPSBURG:--- Due to health reasons, SMCP Candidate, Shenella Brown, will not be able to contest the upcoming parliamentary election on February 26, 2018.
Nevertheless, Shenella has still managed to remain active, in her hometown district, Dutch Quarter. Together with district members, she has been seeking to ascertain the grievances of the people within the district and how she can best help to resolve the various complaints as a member of the community as well as a prospective member of parliament. In both cases it starts with listening to the grievances of the people. To briefly summarize the outcome of these conversations: the people are hurting and very much so. With this knowledge, Shenella realizes that her influence and her commitment to service can be put into action by dedicating her time to help rebuild her community. Not being able to contest the election this time around does not mean that Shenella will be taking on a dormant or wait-and-see attitude. She plans to get involved as much as possible to help rebuild her community, step-by-step.
Shenella would like to thank all her supporters, mentors and the community members who have motivated, encouraged and enlightened her on her journey thus far. She plans to continue to implement her vision for Sint Maarten through her work within her district and in the community at large.
“I would like to especially thank the SMCP for giving me the support that I needed throughout this journey that, has only just begun” Shenella said. “Even though I may not be an active candidate, I will continue to observe, comment, assist and actively participate in making my community and my island strong again.”
The SMCP upholds Shenella’s decision to put her health first and will also support her as she strives to make a difference in her home district through her direct involvement in community work.

Wycliffe Smith
Leader of the SMCP

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