The St. Maarten Lions Club dressed as doctors, nurses paraded under the theme "Sight First" and encouraged the general public of Trinidad along the route in Port of Spain to test their eyes for glaucoma which was done by handing out a stack of brochures with information about the disease.
"Glaucoma has no cure and can cause blindness if it is left untreated and approximately 10% of people with glaucoma who receive proper treatment still experience loss of vision which was why the St. Maarten Club choose this topic", says incoming District Governor for 60B Lion Tony "Toontje" Buncamper.
Glaucoma is not curable, and vision lost cannot be regained. With medication and/or surgery, it is possible to halt further loss of vision. Since open-angle glaucoma is a chronic condition, it must be monitored for life. Diagnosis is the first step to preserving your vision and it can affect from babies to senior citizens. Older people are at a higher risk for glaucoma.
St. Maarten Lions Club is now preparing for the 60B Convention meeting and the incoming district governor's installation on Friday along with the Multiple District Convention meeting on Saturday morning.
The Lions Multiple District 60 Convention is being hosted at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad by the Lions Club of Port of Spain which is celebrating 50 years of existence and was the first club established in the twin Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.