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New Talk Show Listen to Win.

valentine13022018PHILIPSBURG:--- SMART CONVERSATION, is a fun, thought-provoking, interactive, informative and knowledge focused one-hour talk show with two dynamic co-hosts, Dr. Natasha Gittens, Ph.D. and the Real Deal Cuchi the Captain. The show is sponsored by, The Winward Islands Bank Ltd, Training Professionals International Firm and Customer Service Mobile Academy.
The show debuts on Friday, February 16, 2018, two days after the well celebrated Valentine’s day. Considering the holiday, the show will issue special prizes to callers that provide his or her input on that day’s topic: “Does Your Valentine’s Day gift determine the status of your relationship?”
The co-hosts are very different in nature but share an impressive synergy that will electrify the listening audience. No show will ever be the same and the audience will have the wonderful opportunity to learn, laugh, participate and strut away with beneficial, empowering information that will directly improve their lives in some capacity.
What should the listening audience expect?
Dr. Gittens’s is a no-nonsense successful businesswoman, motivational speaker and knows how to stand her ground. She believes in speaking her mind and does so in a confident, fun-loving, engaging manner that will keep listeners glued to their radios. She will take a topic, break it down and leave you wanting more. She is an excellent role model for today’s modern-day women and will showcase her expertise in a multitude of subject matters each week.
The Real Deal Cuchi the Captain, is a walking and talking masterpiece. Each week he will showcase his multifaceted knowledge in music, business and “old school wisdom.” He will enter the ring with Gittens every Friday, dissecting interesting scenarios and stories and offer surprisingly laughable but impressive solutions from his enchanting perspective.
Tune in every Friday and listen to the dynamic duo share their viewpoints, supported by real-world experiences and incorporate research on everyday happenings in the Workplace, Home-life, Community, Career, Banking, Relationships, Education, Family & Finances.
For more information on Smart Conversation Talk Show visit us @ or email us @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x