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Victorious Living Expands Leadercast to 3-Day Leadership Summit: Leaders Challenged to Lead themselves & be Leaders They’d Want to Follow.

leadercast14022018PHILIPSBURG:--- We live in a world of political upheaval, integrity breaches and disappointment with leadership in practically every sphere of society. Consequently, most of us want to see the world filled with better leaders. The truth is, filling the world with Leaders worth following starts with you and me—in our companies, organizations and communities. Therefore as we have done over the past five years, Victorious Living Foundation (VLF) is hosting Leadercast on May 4, 2018, under the theme: Lead Yourself: Be the leader you’d want to follow. We are inviting leaders and aspiring leaders on St. Martin and beyond to join more than 100,000 leaders from around the globe at the world’s largest leadership event—Leadercast Live; broadcast live from Atlanta. Leadercast Live brings together acclaimed global leaders to create a leadership experience unlike any other. And the more than 350 persons who have attended Leadercast on St. Martin over the past five years can attest to the value of their rich experience at Leadercast and how it has impacted their lives.
Among the speakers this year are Dr. Mae Jemison, the first woman of colour in the world to go to space when she flew aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1992. She has broken many barriers as a leader (literally and figuratively!), and her career is a testament to the power of self-leadership. Her perseverance, fortitude, discipline, and self-advocacy put her in the position to lead groundbreaking research that benefits those in need around the world. Dr. Jemison will teach about the importance of self-leadership and give practical takeaways on how to be individually fit to lead.
VLF has partnered with Ann De Vere aka “The Global Visibility Catalyst”, Executive Producer of “Access To Experts TV” and “Meet The Press LIVE,” out of Hollywood California, to help our leaders, executives and aspiring entrepreneurs to be able to effectively share their expertise and the value they bring to the marketplace. This critical training available to youth and adults will equip our local leaders to showcase their capabilities, increase their influence and financial returns in their businesses and organizations. Persons may register now at
Ann Devere has trained and interviewed hundreds of experts who are appearing on Network Television as Guest Experts, Hosting their own TV Shows and creating videos for their websites, blogs, social media presence etc. Persons who register now, have access to the free live follow-up training on May 3rd at VLF’s Leadership Summit. This Sunday Ann De Vere will be featured on the popular radio show Love and Inspiration, hosted by Roy Cotton Jr. from 3-5p.m. on 102.7FM or along with Nelson Els, entrepreneur, teacher & speaker of the John Maxwell Team. Els, a new board member of VLF will be teaching “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” by John Maxwell at the Summit. More exciting speakers will be released in the coming days. To register for the Summit call 1-721-524-8731 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit

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