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Education Minister Presented Law on FBE to teachers --- Law is based on principle--- Minister.

Philipsburg: -- A sizeable crowd mostly teachers attended the meeting held at the University of St. Maarten where Education Minister Omayra Leeflang presented the law on the Foundation Based Education. Leeflang made clear that there was amendments to the law which she described as an air of change in the education system.
The law she said is now based on three basic steps which would increase the balance teaching skills. The first basic skill is the relationship between teachers and students, while she said there may be a curriculum without methods allow teachers to get lost in the system. Secondly teachers must be able to bridge the gap between the beginning and ending in education. Teachers must be given freedom on their teaching methods since they are professionals in their career. While the third concept deals with teachers as professionals and schools as professional organizations and others institutions as facilitators and not dictators in education. She said the time has come for professionals to be allowed to complete their duties and those hindering the process must be held accountable for what they are doing.
Leeflang said while politicians have a lot of desires they must have the willpower to make their dreams happen and the monies to pay the cost of these dreams. She said in all of this management had to make though choices. The minister downplayed her critics who said she came on board to make changes without reason. She gave ten reasons for the changes which she said is exactly like the Ten Commandments which she said she used to base her decision on the laws on education. The law she said outline those that are responsible for the mishap on education.
Luutson de Vries the Legal Adviser to the Central Government Department of Education in his presentation said education reform was introduced in the Antilles mostly in high schools. De Vries gave an outline on the concept and introduction of FBE mostly the legal and technical concept of the law.
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