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Bush Dogs has arrived at the St. Maarten Zoo.

bd3Philipsburg: --- A pair of Bush Dogs that are normally found in Central and South America arrived at the St. Maarten Zoo. Bush Dogs are stocky and terrier-like with short legs and a short tail. Numbers of Bush Dogs in the wild are decreasing as settlements progress and forests are being cleared.

The Bush Dogs in the Zoo have arrived from the Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes in Paris France. Both dogs that are at the zoon are females and were born in June 2007. Bush Dogs usually live approximately 10 years in captivity. The St. Maarten Zoo cooperates with many other zoos around the world, which is why these animals came from France.
Many of today's zoos engage in active breeding programs and attempt to reintroduce various species back into the wild. This is an important function of today's zoos.
The new Bush Dog females have adapted well to St. Maarten and their new surroundings.

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