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p1017352PHILIPSBURG-GEBE launched its new website yesterday as part of the company's vision to improve service and operate in a more customer-oriented manner. GEBE Managing Director, William Brooks, was on hand to officially unveil the new site and demonstrate its functionalities to the media.
The new interactive website aims to make GEBE customer services accessible 24 hours a day. "We know traffic and parking is an issue, so we aim to minimize the number of times customers have to physically come into the GEBE office." consists of several sections including a Customer Center, Storm & Safety, Environment, Community and About GEBE.
The Customer Center has all the information on how to open and close accounts, answers questions on billing and payment methods, offers payment online through the local banks, and has a section on frequently asked questions that can help solve minor problems right away.
The contact section directs customer enquiries to the correct department so customers no longer have to figure out who the right person is to speak to about their problem. "You can report a water or electricity problem, request information, sign up for E-Billing, all in one spot any time of day or night."
There is an entire section dedicated towards educating our customers on the environment, from conservation tips to alternative energies that are being used around the world. We have a safety and storm section focused on protecting your home and your family in the event of an emergency, hurricane or everyday situations in your home.
The website was designed internally and has been a collaborative effort from the GEBE ICT department headed by Gerard Ooms and project manager Tyron Jones, the communication and commercial departments, with contributions from everyone in the company.
"This website is a work in progress. Right now its purpose is mainly informative and geared towards quicker customer transactions with GEBE. The next phase will be even more interactive allowing clients to access their GEBE accounts and see their current and historic bills online. We will continue to add features as the year progresses," Brooks continued, "Our customers can look forward to even more services that make life easier. Utilities are a basic necessity for our customers, so we would like to make dealing with GEBE as simple, easy and quick as possible.
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