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Sint Maarten Lions Club Supports to Young Dancer.

lionscheck26062018PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday June 24, 2018, members of the Sint Maarten Lions Club were on hand to donate a cheque for US$ 2,500 to a young Charlotte Brookson student Mr. Jeremiah David.

About 1 month ago Mrs. Claudette Forsythe – Labega, the director of CBA, reached on to the Lions Club on behalf of her student requesting a donation to assist Jeremiah to travel to the U.S. where he would attend the Junior Training program at the world, renowned Broadway Dance Center in New York City.

The young dancer received a partial scholarship to attend the dance program for a 6-week intensive training scheduled for the period of June 25, 2018 – August 3, 2018, from the Dance Center last year. He has since been trying to raise the additional funds to travel and participate in the training.
Besides reaching out to the government of Sint Maarten, the businesses and other NGO’s for assistance, Jeremiah and his mom started selling food and other homemade treats at the school and on his mother’s job.

The Sint Maarten Lions Club, annually organizes the Student Excellence Awards (SEA) project for recognizing students who excel in other areas besides academics such as social, artistically or in sports, just to mention a few. This year due to unforeseen circumstances, the club was unable to execute the SEA project and took advantage of the opportunity to assist Jeremiah accomplish his dream.
At the presentation, Mrs. Forsythe mentioned that Jeremiah not only excels in the arts but academically as well. He is also a role model and mentor to the younger students at CBA.

Jeremiah inquired as to how he could join the Lions Club as he too would like to assist other persons in the community, we encouraged him to join the Alpha LEO Club upon his return home in August. The club challenged Jeremiah to assist them with organizing a fundraising dance concert for the youth in the future.

The Sint Maarten Lions Club is happy to assist the young promising dancer a phenomenal opportunity to excel professionally and artistically, as he participates in the summer dance program. Funding for the Sint Maarten Lions projects are possible through fundraising events such as the recently held Fundraising Bingo and Car Raffle, which they host annually to raise funds for our community projects.

The Sint Maarten Lions Club is part of Lions Club International, the world's largest service club organization with 46,000 clubs and over 1.4 million members in over 200 countries around the world. For additional info about the club’s community projects and fundraising efforts, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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