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Grenada Union of Teachers hosts Successful 34 Biennial Conference of the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT).

Biennial Conference


conf03082009Delegates attending the 34th Biennial Conference of the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT) at the Grenada Grand Beach Resort, made a strident call for the positive transformation of the classroom of the region’s schools to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s world. The Spice Island of Grenada was the perfect setting for the Conference which attracted approximately 150 delegates, observers and camp followers from Bermuda and the Bahamas in the North to Guyana in the South, St. Croix, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, St. Maarten, St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, the belt of island from the east of the Caribbean Region to Belize in the west on the continent of Central America.

Under the theme, “Transforming Today’s Classroom for Tomorrow’s World.” the delegates from 18 units of the CUT, unanimously agreed that for Quality Education to be effectively delivered, student centered technology-based interactive teaching must play a major role in the delivery of instruction in schools in the Caribbean.

The tone of the Conference was set by President of the CUT, Mr. Roustan Job, when he delivered his Opening Address. He emphatically stated, “Survival demands that we decide on educational programmes and techniques that will take us forward.” He further added, “Transforming today’s classroom for tomorrow’s world we need more than anything else, an all embracing ideology which can ensure love for country and region among our people”


Education International (E.I)

The Theme Address was delivered after the official Opening by Mr. Dennis Sinyolo, from Educational International in Brussels and a native of Zimbabwe, Africa.

Discussions were also held on the following sub-themes: Information Communication Technology in the classroom, Managing Diversity in the Classroom and the Role of the Trade Union in Classroom Transformation.

Mr. Reg Weaver, Vice president of E.I. also made an arousing presentation as he took the center stage at the second day of the Conference when he spoke to the delegates on their role.

Mrs. Virginia Poyotte-Virginia, E.I ‘s Regional coordinator also gave a presentation of the activities held in the biennium, the missions conducted in the region like Haiti and Suriname.

The workshop held by various units and funded by the E.I. was also highlighted.





elshot03082009The Caribbean Union of Teachers Women’s Committee held its 5th Conference to start the activities of the 34th, Biennial Conference. Addressing this Conference were, the Hon. Glennis Roberts, Minister of Social Affairs & Gender, President of CUT, President Roustan Job and Ms. Elizabeth Forsyth, Past General Secretary of G.U.T., Mrs. Virginia Poyotte-Albert-E.I. Regional Coordinator, who was also the inspirational pioneer of formation of this committee.

Mrs. Elaine Henry-Mc. Queen, a pioneer of the CUT Women’s Committee spoke on the theme, Transforming Today’s Classroom for Tomorrow’s World: Violence Free. This was also 10 years since this Women’s committee was established. Congratulations to them for all the work they have done and will continue to do in training and preparing women to train others in becoming tomorrow’s leaders in our community

A report was presented by Indra Ramsingh-Geoffrroy of TTUTA –Trinidad on the Fifty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York May 2-13th 2009




-To participate in training and workshops that would strengthen the human resources in our organization.

-To host the CUT Executive meeting to be held in December 2010 in collaboration with the Anguilla’s Teachers’ Union in St. Maarten.

-To plan, select and assist young athletes from St. Maarten schools in participating in the 13th Biennial Students’ Athletic Track and Field Championships to be hosted by the St. Kitts Teachers’ Union in July 2010 in St. Kitts

-To promote and establish the formation of a teachers cricket team and assist this team in the participation of the Les Harris Cricket Tournament to be held in April 2011.

-To establish a “ Status of the Women’s Committee” in March 2010. The objectives of this Women’s Committee:

-to sensitize both women and men teachers on gender related issues.

-to train a core of women TEACHERS to become active in the work of the teachers union

in addition, to gain confidence to assume leadership positions.

-to provide opportunities for women teachers to develop the necessary skills to conduct


-to help women teachers develop the art of public speaking.

-to produce materials highlighting the work and achievements of women and girls.



Reports were given to each member units from the activities of the biennial of each member unit of the CUT. In addition, reports were given by the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice Presidents of CUT on the different meetings and support programs that they attended during their term of office. A report was also given of the 17th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 15th-18th 2009. Recommendations of the 4th Biennial Education Conference held in Barbados, December 3rd-5th2008 were compiled and published in a colorful tri-fold leaflet as the “Bridgetown Communiqué .”


The Conference concluded on Friday evening with an Award Ceremony, where a number of persons were honored for their contribution to education in their country and the CUT.

The recipients hailed from Barbados, Trinidad, and Jamaica.



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