Minister of VSA Emil Lee and Director USZV Glen Carty. (FILE PHOTOS)
PHILIPSBURG:--- The Supervisory Board of USZV has failed once again as Minister of VSA Emil Lee has extended the contract for Glen Carty for another year. SMN News learned that Lee extended the contract up to the end of 2019, even though Carty and Lee said in a press release that Carty would end his contract by December 2018.
In 2013 the Governor signed off a Landsbesluit (LB) for Carty which clearly states that Carty will be the Director of USZV until a director is found. This LB was for a period of one year yet the Supervisory Board has not made any attempt to recruit a director four years later.
In 2014 the former Chairman of the Supervisory Board Michel Petit started the recruitment process when he hired Linkels. During that recruitment process, Maria Buncamper Molanus and Ramzy Dennaoui were the top contenders. Buncamper Molanus was not appointed because of her legal battles while the Supervisory Board along with Glen Carty claimed Dennaoui was too young.
Shortly after that Michel Petit resigned from USZV Supervisory Board and also filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office because he knew something was not kosher with USZV funds.
The Minister then appointed Sharine Daniel as the Chairman of USZV board, seemingly that was a political decision because Daniel has not made any attempt to safeguard USZV funds, even though as a Chief Auditor Daniel know that USZV funds are being abused. One is the illegal payout Lee authorized Carty to pay himself last year.
Illegal Remuneration.
In December 2017, Emil Lee authorized Glen Carty to pay himself one-month salary which is NAF.25,500.00 even though Carty forfeited all remuneration benefits from USZV since he is collecting a full salary for 20 hours of work per month. This is clearly a violation based on Administrative laws yet the Supervisory Board of USZV especially Sharine Daniel did not make any attempt to recover the funds or file a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office. Other board members that sat back and did nothing is Brian Deher who resigned from the NIPA board when things were not doing well, and Dwight Williams the son in law of Sarah Wescot Williams. Cindy Marica who is also on the Cooperate Governance Council also did nothing even though she is fully aware that the renumeration payout was illegal and amounts to theft.
USZV grants Lee a guarantee letter for the construction of New General Hospital.
While USZV is struggling financially Glen Carty gave Emil Lee a letter of guarantee for the construction of the New General Hospital, a project Lee is eager to complete because his wife’s construction company and Andy Wescot are the ones that will get the financial kickbacks. A source close to Emil Lee said that Lee informed them that Sarah Wescot Williams cannot object to his decision to extend the contract for Glen Carty because her son Andy Wescot is the one that stands to gain the most with the New General Hospital and the only person that will ensure USZV funds are used is Glen Carty. It is also stated that Andy Wescot and Emil Lee plans to purchase USZV building instead of constructing a building for the Social Insurance Company. SMN News learned that if the sale goes through then Wescot will be the one to get the kickback from the deal.
USZV financial Status.
Over the past years, the Operational Costs for USZV has increased dramatically yet the Supervisory Board has not done anything to safeguard the Social Insurance Company. Currently, the ZV, OV, FZOG funds are suffering terribly while USZV Director Glen Carty is using the AOV funds to maintain the other funds. There have been talks that the Supervisory Board will conduct an Operational Audit but to date that is not done, again under the watch of Sharine Daniel, the Chief Auditor of GEBE. One has to question what Daniel stands to gain by ignoring her responsibilities as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of USZV. It is a known fact that Daniel did an excellent job at GEBE by safeguarding that company’s funds and got several directors fired for wrongdoing. Another known fact is Daniel headed the political campaign for Sarah Wescot Williams during the 2018 snap elections, one must wonder if she will also get a kickback from the New General Hospital Project?
Referrals Cost.
USZV has contracted COMEVA in Colombia to take care of USZV patients and it is also known by USZV that patients are being ignored while USZV is paying an exorbitant amount of money while no follow-ups are done under Carty’s watch. In the Dominican Republic, USZV contracted ABCSSS headed Georginio Ricardo a close friend of Glen Carty. USZV is fully aware that patients sent to the Dominican Republic are costing USZV money for the lengthy stay in that country while Georginio it is alleged has been ripping off the patients through the exchange rate and their daily allowances.
USZV lost lawsuits that cost the Insurance Company Millions.
At least two major lawsuits USZV lost that cost them millions under Carty’s watch, one being the case filed by VAMED that was settled by USZV for $1M so that INSO could maintain its contract. Another case was filed by E-Solutions (Eunicio Martina) a consultant that now works at the Ministry of Justice. The court awarded E-Solutions $1.4M for illegal dismissal. The Court of First Instance handed down the verdict for E-Solutions but Carty and Emil Lee remained silent about the case and it is still not known which of the funds at USZV will be used to pay off the consultant.
USZV has paid $30M in consultant fees in the last four years, a situation that has caused some severe upheaval with the staff of USZV who claimed they have been working with consultants mostly from Curacao and to date they have not seen any progress. The staff of USZV is also frustrated because their director is never on the job. 20 hours per month and he is the one making deals with the Minister while the patients and the Social Insurance Company suffer financially.
Sources close to the Minister of VSA said that Minister Emil Lee said that the Supervisory Board of USZV are incompetent since it is not his responsibility to recruit a director and he is not the one that has to manage the funds at USZV. The source said the Minister made it clear that as long as the Supervisory Board is not doing their job then Glen Carty will stay on as director.