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Meeting in Transfer of Civil Servants Progressing ---Says Civil Servants Rights are the Center Piece of Negotiations.

transfer05022010Philipsburg: --- Members of the committee working on the discussions of the transfer of civil servants when the Netherlands Antilles is dismantled told members of the media that they are progressing well as they continue to discuss the transfer based on a federal legislation on Collective Bargaining. Minister of Home and Constitutional Affairs Roland Duncan said the central government has to reach an agreement has to reach with the unions representing the civil servants. Duncan said they discussed during the meetings held at the Great Bay Hotel was the Social Charter. Also discussed is the transfer of civil servants to the BES islands. Minister Duncan said the meetings were fruitful and the other follow up meeting is scheduled for March 11th.
Chairman of the Dr. Marcha said one of their tasks are to make sure the rights of the civil servants are safeguarded but they have to make sure the future entities are functional. Marcha said these meetings are one more step in creating future countries St. Maarten, Curacao and the BES islands. Marcha said he felt they are on schedule in realizing the wishes of the people of the Netherlands Antilles. Marcha said he is impressed with the dedication and seriousness shown by the participants when discussing the matters of concern. He said the next meeting it is expected that they would deal with all outstanding matters that are pending. Marcha said the issues they are discussing are complex since its dealing with people's rights and their interest. He said they are dealing with transfers from one country to another they have to make sure that no one gets hurt or lost benefits. He said the meetings are a joint effort which projects the hallmark of democracy.
President of the Windward Islands Civil Servants William Reed said the meetings are much more complex and difficult than predicted. Reed said when they embarked on the new status they did not envision the difficulties they are encountering along the way. Reed said only now things are starting to shape up, he said they are moving along slowly but as unions they are cautious and careful because if there is one oversight can be detrimental to the civil servants.
Reed said at times they do not worry about the date 10/10/10 instead they focus is the make sure the rights of the civil servants are protected.
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