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TelEm Group aiming to improve customer flow with new queuing system.

telemnumbersystem02012018Pond Island:--- TelEm Group’s Customer Service Department is moving into the New Year with a brand new ticket and queuing system for customers.
The computerized system is operated by customers themselves upon entry into the TelEm Group building on Pond Island.
The system consists of a tablet device (see picture above) which is operated simply with a touch of the finger.
The first window the customer sees on the device will offer a choice of seeing a Customer Service Representative or a Cashier. There is also an option for Seniors and Special needs customers also wishing to see a Customer Service Representative or a Cashier.
After selecting Cashier Service, the customer receives a list of detailed services available.
After selecting CSR Service, the customer receives a list of detailed services available from the Customer Service Representative.
Once the customer indicates what service they require, they will receive a number and asked to wait.
When the customer’s turn in the queue is reached, their number will be called out and they will be directed to a Customer Service Representative, Cashier or other Station of their choice.
The system has been in operation since December 4th so that customers can get used to the simple operation of the ticketing device with the assistance of security personnel.
According to Manager, Sales, Mrs. Lucrecia Lynch, once the ticketing and queuing system is fully utilized by customers it will make attending to customers easier for the customers themselves and also for the personnel who have to attend to the customers.
She said operation of the ticketing device is very easy and in the event customers are not comfortable with using the device, there is will be someone available to assist in its use.
“We are asking members of the public to cooperate with us by making use of the device because possible they will not be assisted unless they are called to the counter because of their number in the queue,” said Lucrecia.


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