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Mrs. Carmen Hodge Carrington Celebrates her 100th birthday with Five generations of her offspring, Governor Eugene Holiday, family and friends.

mscarmen31012019PHILIPSBURG:--- Coralita Road, St. Maarten], —Mrs. Carmen Eleanore Hodge Carrington affectionately known as Carmen C. celebrated 100 years on Monday, January 28th surrounded by five generations; several of her eight offspring and their children and grand children…, the Governor of St. Maarten, her family and friends. A thanksgiving service held in her honour at her home was chaired by Mrs. Bernadine Van Veen, her niece, and St. Martin of Tours Catholic Parish Director of Religious Education. Van Veen stated on behalf of the family: “We are very happy she made 100. We are grateful to God that he has allowed her to reach this milestone.”

Father Adam Oleszczuk who conducted the blessing of Mrs. C., expressed gratitude, delight, and amazement at Mrs. C’s demeanor, joy of being with her family, and strength, despite the fact she recently suffered an injury and underwent successful surgery a few days before her birthday.

Aldous Huxley, the English writer, and philosopher capture the essence of Mrs. C’s longevity through his quote: “The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” Indeed, Mrs. C’s enthusiasm for life, her wit, and keen sense of humour all lend to her longevity. Moreover, she attributes her love for God and her faith in Him as the main reason for her making her century.

Mrs. Asha Stevens, co-founder of the Hillside Christian Schools stated: “My deceased husband Dr. Jack Stevens and I became lifelong friends of Mrs. C. since 1991 when she restored his wedding suit to the right size. She made her mark as the best seamstress and participated as a member of the Friendly Island Toastmasters Club and as a member of the Navy League Council and hosted many receptions at her home. She always had an herbal remedy for any illness described to her. We wish her many more returns.”

Mrs. Carmen C.’s love story, Love is Forever… is currently in production at the publisher, Litfire Publishing. Bestselling Author, Dr. Erna Mae Francis Cotton, expressed her admiration and gratitude to Mrs. C. for choosing her to write this interesting and inspirational story.

Educator and soon to be author of In Emilio Wilson Park with Uncle Joe, Mr. Oswald Francis expressed his appreciation for the soon to be released, Love is Forever…
“At a time when the divorce rate internationally is alarmingly high and marriages are short-lived, it is imperative to read, “Love is Forever.” In this compelling, absorbing, and easy to read book, Mrs. Carrington, a 100-year-old Saint Martiner gives a vivid account of the struggles and sacrifices one might have to endure to attain a fulfilling and lasting marriage. In Love is Forever, the writer Dr. Nicole Erna Mae Francis Cotton captivates the reader with a refreshing, unique style whereby one sees, feels and hears the voice of the vivacious Mrs. Carrington.”
Persons interested in pre-ordering their copies of this soon to be released book, Love is Forever… may pre-order their copies at Victorious Living’s Office located at The Rupert I. Maynard Community Center in St. Peters; by calling 1-721-524-8731; via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visiting

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