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Natural Reserve Aborted Meeting with Traditional Fishermen.

fishermen26042010French Quarter: --- The director of the Reserve Naturelle and its President Frank Viotty aborted a meeting that was scheduled with the Traditional Fishermen Association on Monday at the Maison du Quartier in French Quarter.
President of the Association Bernard Hyman told SMN News that he personally called the Director of the Reserve Naturelle who told him that because of the people of St. Martin he has to leave the island.
However, Hyman said he does not know what the statements of the Reserve director have to do with the concerns of the fishermen on St. Martin. Hyman said the fishermen on St. Martin needs to get permission from the Reserve to catch "Jack fish" when it is in season. He said sometime last week one of the fishermen was on Flat Island to see if Jack fish is in the area and the gendarmes stopped the fisherman telling him that the Reserve has to allow them to fish there since that island is part of the Reserve. The fisherman Elie Bryan who was also present said the gendarmes told the Reserve Director that he was fishing with a net on Flat Island that day, something he refuted saying his net was in his yard at the time of the incident. Bryan said he was on the island looking to see if Jack fish was in port since that particular fish is a seasonal fish to the island's people. The fisherman said if he had seen Jack fish that day he would have caught one to present to the Reserve who would have to give them the permission to fish. He said the Reserve told them the fishermen are allowed to fish on Gallion Beach which is also part of the Reserve for jack fish but not at the other locations. Hyman said jack fish is seasonal and it does not have a particular area it would come in to St. Martin.
hyman26042010The Association President said the Natural Reserve has been making promises to the fishermen on St. Martin and they would not live up to the promises or commitments. He said right now the association is collecting signatures from the population to present a petition to the Prefecture of St. Martin. He said he intends to go to all offices whether on St. Martin, Guadeloupe or France to seek justice since the Association is fully registered. Hyman said he is related to the President of the Collectivity of St. Martin Frantz Gumbs whose folks were fishermen but each time he would call the president to intervene in their concerns the president he said would push him off by saying he would call back. "I gave the president my phone number about six times and to date he never made an effort to call me back" Hyman said those in charge have to do something about their predicament because this cannot continue. "The Reserve prefers for the fish go away to Anguilla or other islands and the local fishermen should follow it if they so want it or the fishermen on that island should sell it on St. Martin."
SMN News later learnt that the President of the Collectivity Frantz Gumbs as well as members of the Naturelle Reserve is expected to meet with them on Wednesday at the Maison du Quartier.
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