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TelEm Group, TelCell, devote Bird of Peace message to SXM.

noplacetohate13022019PHILIPSBURG:--- TelEm Group is promoting a message of peace amongst youth in the St. Maarten community, with the installation of new signage to be placed around St. Maarten schools and other places that youths gather.

The new signage is designed in bright colors, utilizing a white dove as a symbol of peace to carry the message “No Place for Hate.”

The messages will be placed in 19 different locations with four of the island’s main schools being chosen to have a super large mural installed at a prominent location on one of the school walls, also carrying the “No Place for Hate” message.

An illustration of the “No Place for Hate mural that will be installed at four of St. Maarten main schools to help spread the message of peace.

TelEm Group says the posters and murals will replace a series of posters that have been used each year to feature TelCell Breakthrough Talent Search winners delivering their own personal messages to their peers in the St. Maarten community.

“The peace dove was selected because it is symbolic of peace and love within the school premises with a reminder that there is not place for hate in our schools,” said a member of TelEm Group team promoting the peace initiative.

“The team feels that there is so much negativism bombarding the youth from so many angles and from different media, that this a good place to start to remind our youth about peace and that there should be no place in their hearts for hate of any kind,” notes another member of the TelEm Group coordinating team.

The team is especially excited about the installation of the murals at four main St. Maarten schools and say they will be encouraging the students there to stand in the center of the mural and take photos which they can then use as a profile picture if they wish, or just share with friends, family and associates on Social Media, to get the peace message out.

The team says they will begin putting up the new signage in the coming days and the murals soon after, stressing that the message of peace is not because of any particular problem associated with hate in any of the island’s schools, but a timely message of peace.

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