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Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.

rotaryylawards20022019PHILIPSBURG:--- The mini RYLA was organized on February 16, 2019, by an organizing committee that comprised of Rotarian Jon Hart (chairperson) Rotaractor Micaela Hart, and Assistant Governor, Marcellia Henry, exceeded all expectations.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where young people develop their skills as a leader while having fun and making connections. The program is designed to shape leadership skills in young people who already possess and demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics in their high school and community. The participants are exposed to the many phases of leadership by learning from individuals who are already leaders in their community and businesses.
The RYLA held at the University of St. Martin was attended by 55 Interactors from Anguilla, St. Barths, St. Martin, Sundial, Milton Peters College, Learning Unlimited, Caribbean International Academy, Charlotte Brookson Academy, St. Maarten Academy and St. Dominic High School.
Assistant Governor, Marcellia Henry gave the welcome remarks and introduction. The first session of the day allowed the Interactors from the different islands to share some of the projects they execute on their islands, and how they contribute to their community and schools. Youth representatives of Anguilla, St. Barths, St. Dominic High and Milton Peters College gave presentations.
The whole group and breakout sessions for the event that started at 9:30 am and ended at 3:30 pm were as follows: Fundamentals of leadership and ethics of positive leadership presented by Mrs. Josianne Fleming-Artsen, and Leadership and Customer Service Skills by Ms. Dimple Sagre. Ms. Chevonne Dasouza presented the importance of communication skills in effective leadership. Building self-confidence and self-esteem were presented by Ms. Georgette Rampersad and a second session was given by Ms. Kimberley Duzong. Mr. Lenworth Wilson’s presentation was on Problem Solving and conflict management.
For the French-speaking participants from St. Martin and St. Barths, the same sessions were offered but were delivered in the French language by Rotarians and Rotaractors from the northern side of the island and St. Barths namely: Ms. Jasmine Sally, Ms. Abigail Leese, and Ms. Dahlia Francois.
An award presentation for all participants was held at the ending of the day’s event.
The organizing committee would like to thank the sponsors from University of St. Martin, Office world, Dazzling Gems, Jewelry Avenue, Sint Maarten, NATCOM UNESCO, Uncle Bob, Carl’s and Sons, Mr. Russell Bell, and the Rotary Clubs of Anguilla, St. Barths, St. Maarten, and St. Martin.
It is the intention to organize another RYLA during the next Rotary year 2019-2020 to shape leadership skills in students who already possess and demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics in their high school and community.

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