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Marlin congratulates telecommunication sector workers on World Telecommunications & Information Society Day.

GREAT BAY,– Commissioner of Telecommunications William Marlin, would like to wish all those working in the telecommunications sector on the island a happy World Telecommunications & Information Society Day (WTISD), this Monday, May 17.

The theme of this year WTISD is, "Better city, better life." The theme represents the common wish of all humankind to achieve better living standards in future urban environments.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) play a catalysing role in achieving this goal.

The aim is achieving greener, safer, healthier, prosperous, inclusive and well managed cities where over half the world's population resides.

"It is government's goal to make use of ICT more in the future. The mobile phone and the internet and now the blackberry have reshaped the world.

"ICTs have helped billions of people to live, work and play. Today in some countries, you have smart buildings, intelligent traffic management and much more.

"ICTs have a huge potential to improve the lives of people by providing affordable and equitable access to information and knowledge to empower everyone to achieve their aspirations.

"On this special day, I would like to wish all telecommunication and ICT workers much success in their endeavours and to keep up the good work," Commissioner of Telecommunications William Marlin told the Government Information Service (GIS).

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