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Jules James credentials not vetted due to lack of majority.

~ UD Members sending a strong message by boycotting meetings of parliament.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Incoming Member of Parliament Jules James seems to have to sit on the sidelines since his credentials could not be vetted after three meetings of Parliament were called.
On Wednesday afternoon seven members of parliament showed up and attended the third meeting to vet James’s credentials, representing the UD/SMCP were MPs Franklin Meyers, Tamara Leonard, Shridat Bijlani, Chaco Peterson and Chairlady Sarah Wescot Williams, while MP Rolando Brison, represented the USP and Silveria Jacobs the National Alliance.
Clearly, Members of Parliament from the United Democrats (UD) did not show up for the meeting. Those are MP Luc Mercelina, and Chanel Brownbill while MP Theodore Heyliger has been suspended while being pretrial detention. MP William Marlin (NA), Jurendy Doran (NA), Ardwell Iron (NA), Christopher Emmanuel (NA) and MP Frans Richardson also did not attend the meetings held on Wednesday.
MP Silveria Jacobs also explained that it is time the public see that the Chairlady Sarah Wescott Williams who is not following procedures when calling public meetings. She said the opposition members submitted requests for meetings and they are not being called. Jacobs said people might say they are playing politics when a MP has to come into parliament but this is the only time the chair will see the chagigahs that is taking place.
MP Rolando Brison said that as MPs they have to send clear messages to Chair of parliament because even though she sought advice from the Council of Advice on the Rules of Order of Parliament to date it has not being addressed. Brison said that there are important meetings of parliament requested and the chair is not scheduling those meetings. He said several times the MPs on the opposition benches have been voicing their opinion but nothing is done.
A committee was formed with MPs Meyers, Leonard and Peterson to vet the credentials but their decision could not be pronounced due to a lack of majority in parliament. Wescot Williams told the committee to submit their decision administratively. When asked if a decision was taken administratively she said no decision was taken.

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