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MP Luc Mercelina tabled motion to send Minister of VSA Emil Lee home.

lucemil28062019~ MP Mercelina made history for tabling motion against his own Minister.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Luc Mercelina made history Friday evening when he tabled a motion of no confidence against the Minister of VSA Emil Lee. Mercelina in his presentation during the second round called on the Parliament of St. Maarten to represent their country with their actions and not through their mouth.
He urged the government to focus on at least ten things to strengthen the country, those ten things are as follows:-

• Dollarize the St. Maarten Economy
• Create its own Central Bank
• Work on US Preclearance
• Cancel the CFT
• Make the English Language the first language of St. Maarten.
• Add color and Caribbean flavor to the judicial system
• Diminish the Dutch presence on St. Maarten
• Stop taking loans from the Dutch Government and explore the International market
• Enhance education in the international market
• Increase the local professionals by enforcing education.

Mercelina said that when a construction worker is not producing then the only thing that must be done is to replace that worker, he acknowledges that what he did on Friday evening was not an easy task, he admitted several times that he needed to do what is in the best interest of his country and its people. Mercelina explained that when building a house one must build a strong foundation and the Minister of VSA Emil Lee has failed in several areas.
The motion that Mercelina tabled states that the Minister of VSA Emil Lee following hurricane IRMA on September 6th, 2017 did not show any evidence of the results of restoring the country 21 months later, still no social housing through the Ministry VSA. Very little progress made on the labor front. St. Maarten is currently in the hurricane season two years after the passage of IRMA and still, no shelters were built. Emil Lee has also failed in establishing guidelines to attract specialists to the St. Maarten Medical Center, 7 months after Lee’s historic ground-breaking in December 2017, still the construction of the New General Hospital has not started. Despite the financial situation of INSO the Minister is hell-bent on continuing with that company. So far Mercelina said that NAF 5M invested in the New General Hospital, monies that came from the SZV pension funds. He described Lee as irresponsible when he canceled the contract of VAMED which costs SZV $1M. MP Mercelina further expounded on the millions SZV is losing including the $500,000.00 lost through a phishing scam. He said so far Lee did not show any structural payments to SZV, money owed to the Social Insurance by government, no evidence of on BZK, while there is NAF 20M in claims while the irresponsible Minister says that SZV is financially capable to invest in the New General Hospital while increasing medical tariff while nothing was approved by SOAB.
The motion which was signed by at least 8 members of parliament prohibits the Minister from signing any contract or take decisions that would affect the country. Lee must also resign effective immediately.







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