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SMMC signs tender contract for new Generators.

smmcgenerators02082019CAY HILL:--- St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has closed one of its open tenders with the signing of the contract for the installation of new standby generators. The tender was finalized on July 19, with the contract being awarded to Dynaf after a thorough evaluation of all bids submitted.

This project, funded by the World Bank, consists of the replacement of the existing standby generator for the SMMC building as well as the installation of a new standby generator for the Care Complex building.

SMMC’s Project Manager, Ingeborg Verwoerdt, stated: "Generators are vital to hospitals, they keep critical systems such as resuscitation and life-saving machines online. It is important that we have generators that can provide much-needed support for the current and expected capacity increases as we expand our services.

The project is estimated to complete mid-December 2019. Prior to installation electrical upgrades and civil works will take place in preparation for the new generators.

In order to participate in World Bank-funded projects, companies are invited to register via the “Renovation & Reconstruction” section on the SMMC website:
For project information, interested companies can check the World Bank section on SMMC website under or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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