~Display of power and personal vendetta against civil servants.~
PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin disconnected all cellular phones that are held by civil servants on Thursday. Civil Servants whose phones were disconnected were not warned or even informed of the measures taken by the Prime Minister.
At the moment, some offices including the Inspectorate of Health and Labor, TEATT and VROMI has been crippled due to the irresponsible actions of the Prime Minister.
SMN News learned that the Prime Minister along with her cabinet members are handpicking whose cellular phones of certain civil servants will be connected either postpaid or prepaid.
With the actions taken by the Prime Minister, she has bypassed head of facility affairs Rick Martina who is charged with the distribution of cellular phones to civil servants and Hensley Plantijn Secretary-General of General Affairs.
While Romeo Marlin is pretending to cut cost she is actually hindering government operations while those civil servants that use their government for social media purposes cannot do so unless they have WIFI connection.
Civil Servants working for government emergency services has been severely affected with the impromptu disconnection. These civil servants already indicated that they will not be using their personal cellular phones for government services.