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NA Leader Reacts to DP Accusations and Newspaper Editorial.

marlinPhilipsburg: ---- Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin yesterday called a press conference to once again shed light on the press conference he held on Saturday. The National Alliance leader said that he was shocked when he read an editorial which said he was not truthful to the media when he met the press. Marlin said he believed he was clear to the media when he said he did not have a document with six signatures on it to form the new government but he did say he had extensive negotiations with at least two of the Democratic Party Commissioners namely Louie Laveist and Theo Heyliger.

Marlin said he never met with the leader of the Democratic Party leader Sarah Wescot Williams concerning the formation of a National Government. He said that was a suggestion when Laveist announced he was no longer supporting the DP government.
He said on Saturday afternoon he had discussion with Wescot Williams concerning the growing amount of problems that is facing St. Maarten and some of the things that were currently taking place. He insisted that he never discussed forming a National or any other government with her period he said he also informed her that he would be holding a press conference as well as a party meeting that same afternoon. Marlin Wescot Williams even asked him if he was going to mention that they spoke that day and he told her no. He said the only thing he spoke about the discussions that took place earlier in the year with Michael Ferrier.

Marlin also explained that he did not say that he met with Commissioner Roy Marlin instead in response to a question as to why Theo Heyliger did not empty his office he made clear he never visited Heyliger's office and the only commissioner's office he saw was that of Roy Marlin while standing on the porch of the Administration Building. "I peeked into Roy Marlin's office and he told me I did not clean out my office because I am going nowhere. After reading this editorial it sounds as if I was guilty of three counts of lying." Marlin said that the editorial in question suggests that he was trying to mislead the public.

Marlin said over the past two weeks Commissioner Louie Laveist visited his home on three occasions. The last visit he said took place Saturday evening after the press conference with his wife Betty Laveist who spoke with both Marlin and his wife. He said the commissioner and his wife left his home 12:15am Sunday morning. Marlin said that Louie Laveist even asked him to sign the governing accord but since he had not yet printed the hard copy he Laveist agreed to wait until Sunday morning where everyone would be present including the five members of the National Alliance. Marlin said Laveist assured him that he was going to be at the meeting with commissioner and Island council member Theo Heyliger.

Marlin then read a newspaper article of November 10 where the commissioner said he would give his full support to the National Alliance even though he was not a member of that party.
Further the island council man and National Alliance leader said that when Laveist visited him in the privacy of his home he first talked about the type of treatment he suffered at the hands of the leader of the Democratic Party Sarah Wescot Williams who only wanted him to resign from the island council and give up his seat and give it back to the DP party.

Marlin said when he spoke to Laviest the commissioner looked him in the eyes and said a man's word is a man's word and he would never return to the DP for the way they had treated him while he was detained.

Marlin said he felt truly sorry for Laveist and his family for what they have gone through, however, he is really sorry to see a big man flip flop and try mislead the people of St. Maarten that he never had any agreement.

He said what the people got is the old adage of the Democratic Party and its old team but the National Alliance was working on a new beginning for St. Maarten and not a National government with the two major parties.

Marlin said he don't have to count chickens but if a man visit you at your home and shook and hands and vowed not to return is what they stand for. He said if someone can visit a person's home and pledge his support for a new beginning.

Marlin said several supporters wanted to know why he did not jump on the offer when Laveist made his announcement. Marlin said in response that a dream to govern is one thing compared to what he had planned for the island. He said his aim was to get more than Laviest support something the commissioner knew about. The intention was not to fly to the governor with a letter but they needed to agree on how they were going to govern for one year which was to lead up country status. Marlin said for Laveist to say there was no agreement with him and the National Alliance is a blatant lie. Despite that Marlin said he felt sorry for Laveist because of his current situation is being tugged from pillar to post and is forced to twist his words and lie about important things that face the nation of St. Maarten.

Marlin said had the DP had seven or more seats Laveist today would not have been an issue. He said Laviest now becomes an issue because of party treatment and the problems he found himself into, however with that Laveist has created a constitutional impasse.

Marlin said when he told Laveist that working with him alone is not an ideal situation but he (NA) would prefer to have others to join. He said as expected Commissioner Theo Heyliger announced his willingness to talk. He said Heyliger met with him several times and they had far reaching negotiations. Marlin said that their discussions did not only include burying the DP party forever, but they spoke about plans to take the island forward which is to provide a good and stable government for the island and how important it is to have a government in place where they can continue to build from what they have as far as constitutional change is concern.

Marlin said the negotiations with the two DP commissioners went as far as discussing how many commissioners there will be and what portfolios each would be getting. He said they had decided to appoint three commissioners from the NA, Theo Heyliger would have been the fourth and Heyliger he said had suggested that he bring back a former DP commissioner as the fifth something which Heyliger leaked this information to the media which lived a life of its own. Marlin said he indicated to Heyliger he Marlin would have preferred someone else whose strength would have helped the executive council. He said that he had someone who approached the person in question (Josianne Fleming) who also agreed even though he never spoke to the person. Marlin said Heyliger even approached the educator in question and he was told the lady agreed to take on the challenge.

Marlin also provided the media with copies of the emails that Heyliger sent to him. He said this is not because he wants to make these things public but one must understand that when he said he had far reaching discussions that is exactly what he meant.

In that email Heyliger told Marlin he should look into certain points which should be added in the governing accord.
Those agreements are as follows:---

1. Parties agree to bring the following projects to fruition within the first six months of governing:
a. An island-wide infrastructural program which will be established with a timetable for execution and financing. This program will be financed primarily via the use of the revenues generated by the collecting of the vehicle number plate tax. Revenues from the vehicle number plate tax shall be escrowed in a separate account specifically dedicated for this purpose and use.
b. A plan for the closure, processing and cleanup of the present public landfill ("The Dump") shall be developed with the aim being the permanent closure of the landfill in a hygienic and environmentally friendly manner.
c. A program to locate a strategic partner for TELEM will be designed and implemented. The result of this program will enable TELEM to better cope with the effects of competition brought on through globalization.
d. The increasing of the budget for the St. Maarten Housing and Development Foundation allowing the SMHDF to purchase land to be utilized for middle income housing.
e. The finalization of the steps necessary to purchase, construct and/or install the Medium Care Unit , the Intensive Care Unit and a new Operation Room at The St. Maarten Medical Center.
f. A review of the present tax system.
Heyliger closed off his email by saying he spoke to Josianne Fleming and she were to make some suggestions for education and he would be sending other suggestions later.

Marlin said when the National Alliance adjusted the governing accord and he realized they were serious he said Heyliger went into hiding which means he could not be reached by phone. He said the commissioner even sent a message with someone to him and he told the person to tell the commissioner to speak to him directly since the messenger did not have a seat in the island council. Marlin said that some five minutes later Heyliger called him and he told him that if he was not into a game play. He said Heyliger then told him that the problem he had was he could not find Laveist whom he said was also hiding and that he also heard that two of the National Alliance members were talking to Wescot Williams to form a government with an intention to replace him. Marlin said that he told Heyliger that he was going to do what he needed to do and they would have to do what they needed to do since he would make it public that they were discussing.

Marlin said on Sunday when the news broke that his party was in tact he got calls and at that point he knew the chickens were going home to roost. More disturbing Marlin said on Monday several of Louie Laveist supporters called him expressing shock wanting to know what went wrong between Saturday and Sunday morning. Marlin said the last time he spoke to Laveist was at 09:50am Sunday morning, he said Laviest told him he was on his way to his as they agreed upon where they would review and sign the governing accord. He said Laveist told him he had sent Heyliger a text message and he did not respond to him, he said even called and was trying to see if he would find commissioner Heyliger. Marlin said based on Heyliger's behavior on Saturday he already knew that there was no deal and later on that virus had gotten to Laveist.

Marlin said this is common practice with the DP where they blackmail each other, make deals and promises that they do not intend to keep. Most importantly these commissioners lend their support to each other in exchange for something. Marlin said he does not know and don't want to know what type of deals was made to Laveist in exchange for his support. However, he said he want set the record straight that he did not mislead, lie or misinform the people of St. Maarten.

Marlin said that Laveist wanted to make sure they could resolve the problem of the new government building and to make sure his cultural policy be completed and other issues.

theo1In an invited comment Commissioner Theo Heyliger admitted he was negotiating with the National Alliance simply because he knew the people of this island deserve to have a government. He said anyone could see the contents of his email in which he asked for things that would benefit the people of St. Maarten and not himself. Furthermore, he did not ask for nothing that would benefit him or his families neither did he say what position he wanted in government.

Heyliger said he sat with Marlin for about four hours and in his view the meeting was not advancing with regards to the governing accord. "When makes matters worst is when I heard that at least two of the National Alliance members were having discussions with the DP party and that Hyacinth Richardson wanted to be a commissioner then I realize we are going to have problems. Richardson had already indicated he wanted to be a commissioner and what portfolios he wanted. That did not leave a good taste with me because I know when these persons get into government and began making their demands and they don't get it then that would be another problem." Heyliger said.

The commissioner has also promised to shed more light on these developments in the very near future.



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