The woman told police that believes her landlord is the one who set the fire because
landlord wants all tenants living in that apartment building to leave and look for somewhere else to live. He wants the tenants to leave for him to do repairs to the building. The victim said they are not able to find an adequate and affordable place for them to move out.
On the arrival of the police patrol on the scene that evening the landlord was found. On Tuesday morning the police patrol was again called to the scene. The patrol had also received information that the landlord was in the possession of a fire-arm. This time the patrol met landlord and while speaking to him admitted to have set the meter-box and also admitted having a fire-arm. The patrol found a loaded 12 gauge riot-shotgun in the home of the suspect. The shotgun was confiscated for further investigation. The suspect was arrested on the spot and taken to the Philipsburg Police station where he was put into custody in connection with this case.
During this investigation one man was also arrested for the possession of marijuana. This marijuana was found in his home packed in small plastic bags ready for sale. The names of the suspect had not yet been released. The drug dealer was also arrested and taken into custody.