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SXM Doing Well with Constitutional Process--- PM Emile de Jongh-Elhage.

pm1Philipsburg: --- "St. Maarten is progressing well in the constitutional process despite the lack of manpower locally" says Prime Minister Emile de Jongh-Elhage. The Prime Minister said after meeting with the Executive and Island Council during her two day working visit along with the governor general she is very much satisfied with the progress St. Maarten has made thus far. "Nevertheless I am very very proud of St. Maarten and the way they are going about the process. I am particularly proud of the amount of work St. Maarten is putting forward for the change of status and most importantly for the well being of its people."
The Prime Minister said it has been three years she is working on facilitating the change of status and it has been decided this year they would visit all of the islands before the Curacao referendum which is slated for May 18. She considered the visit to be very successful since she met with all of the executive and island councils on each of the islands.
While on St. Maarten the Prime Minister and Governor General managed to be at the Down Street Jetty, the Emilio Wilson Park, The UJIMA foundation and the St. Maarten Housing Foundation are only some of the projects to get a closer view of these places.
In answering questions on the crime situation she said this matter was discussed, however, she said only a few weeks ago the Minister of Justice David Dick sent some extra police officers from Curacao and the difference was clearly seen but now the crime is beginning to rise again now that they are gone. She said she already made a call to the Minister of Justice and he would be coming to St. Maarten very soon to meet with the island and executive council to further discuss crime.
On the political situation she said they are very concerned about St. Maarten's political turmoil and she did discuss the matter with the island leader and was assured a solution is forth coming. Even though not divulging what was said in the discussions with Westcott Williams she said it's a local problem and the central government has no intention to intervene at this point since they are hoping for a solution. She said all over the world politics is the same and whatever is said in Holland should not be considered as personal.
It will be Yes for Curacao
Quizzed about the possible outcome of the referendum the Prime Minister said the people of Curacao will be voting "yes we can", and there is no plan B in case the voters should vote no. She considered the present constitutional process a once in a lifetime opportunity since there has been an immense amount of discussions taking place these last years. She insisted that she in particular is very proud of the efforts being made by the islands within of the Kingdom. The Prime Minister also reminded that the present process is the wishes of the people.
pm2She said even though she is certain that the outcome of the referendum will be a yes, should it be a no then that would be it for her since her job would be completed or no longer needed. Prime Minister de Jongh-Elhage said this process was negotiated before and she is the one who is facilitating the change and should there be a change of heart then the people no longer appreciates her work and efforts. "Should they vote no it means they are refusing my efforts and that would tell me that is not what they wanted me to do for them, which would mean I must step down from my seat as Prime Minister." However, she insisted that for her if it's a no it will be the end of the discussions but strongly feel the people of Curacao would be voting Yes and not otherwise.
As for the present economic situation she said no one in the world had foreseen the present global economic downturn. She considered the Netherlands Antilles as blessed since they are still getting help from the Netherlands especially since this is affecting the world
She said based on the information given to her from the executive council they are working and focusing on every possible measure to mitigate the consequences of the global crisis. She felt the island government is on the right path since only on Thursday they held the economic summit. She made references on the amount of work that is being done by commissioner of ROB Theo Heyliger who is always on the move; that of commissioner Wescot Williams and Commissioner with the constitutional process Buncamper Molanus with the economic summit. The Prime Minister said based on this drive it shows that St. Maarten is ready to move forward and they are not sitting back and fighting with each other. Instead she said they are defending the people's business.
The Prime Minister also expressed concern on the developments of Emilio Wilson Park. She readily admitted that this is a complicated matter but the central government will do all it can to assist the environmental foundations acquire their wishes by preserving their history. The Prime Minister said that the situation of Emilio is very emotional since it regards their history. She described the park as beautiful and stressed ones history must be preserved.
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