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Sundial School 5th Annual Drugs & Violence Prevention Program 2009.

winningposter2008Philipsburg:---Sundial School will be launching its 5th Annual Drugs and Violence Prevention Week Program for 2009. We believe that behavior change occurs when students gain information about the risks and benefits of certain behaviors, form attitudes based on that information, adopt positive norms and bond with positive individuals and institutions, and learn behavioral skills. Bonding results from having opportunities to participate, skills for participation and recognition for involvement. Our objectives include (but is not limited to) reducing intentions to engage in risky behaviors in schools; teaching resistance/coping skills through interactive methods; teaching important life skills such as anger management and conflict resolution; helping students to be better prepared to deal with the challenges of life; fostering pro-social bonding to school and community; teaching social competence and resistance skills that are culturally and developmentally appropriate; promoting anti-violence social norms and values; helping students be violence and crime free; and promoting respect, tolerance and safety.

During our prevention program students will engage in school community service and façade restoration by removing and erasing the gang-related graffiti and obscenities exposed on the school property as a means of improving the school climate and environment. Students who personally volunteer will be rewarded. Other students will be invited to paint a peace mural.

Our week long program will then culminate with a mini-concert on Friday, March 20, 2009 highlighting a number of fun-filled activities; Behavior Motivation Awards Prize Giving Ceremony; drug/violence-free rap, drama, speech, poetry. The PTA is invited. There will also be a peaceful remembrance of Stanley Gumbs who was brutally taken from us too soon. A prominent feature will be a domestic violence T-shirt Art Clothes Line-Exhibition, honoring our mothers who traditionally wash clothes, raising consciousness and communicating non-verbally to victims that they are not alone . Every student who cares about a woman decorates her/his own shirt and it is a testimony to their experience. Each category of abuse is assigned a different message. The Suggested Color Code is WHITE is for women who have died of violence; YELLOW or BEIGE for women who have been battered or assaulted; RED, PINK, or ORANGE for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted; BLUE or GREEN is for women survivors of incest or child sexual abuse; PURPLE or LAVENDER for women attacked because of their sexual orientation. BLACK is for women attacked for what they believe. It is a voice for those who want to tell but don't want to talk.

Recognizing your commitment to eradicating youth crime and domestic violence we, therefore, kindly invite you cover our mini-concert program and exhibition on the 20th of March. We look forward to hearing from you and your commitment to participating in our program.

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