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blossompicPhilipsburg: --- Denisia Martimbor or "Lil Blossom" as she is known on the stage made a presentation of her first CD to the principals of the Sr. Marie Laurence school yesterday morning. Lil Blossom said on behalf of my family I would like to make this presentation to the Catholic School Board and Principals of all Catholic Schools. The CD has a positive message which would be useful for my peers.

'Denisia Martimbor" also known as 'Lil Blossom" launched her first CD at Don Froston's concert "music in me" on Sunday March 8th at Maho Convention center. Lil Blossom is 10 years old and she is a student of the St. Dominique Primary School.

She began singing from age of four says her proud mother. Last year Lil Blossom graced the stage for the first time in competition for the junior Calypso show, with a song written by Calypso Barbara entitled "your behavior determines your future". Her performance was great, much to the liking of Calypso Barbara that she decided to write another song for her entitled "Don't grow up too soon". When we got the song from Barbara we decided to record it because we believe the song can be a hit." Says her mother Joanne Martimbor Lewis.

03162009068Anastasia Larmonie arranged the recording which was done at Roger Israel's studio in Trinidad, she said another idea was born to do a video clip of the song, and they did the clip which was shown at the launching of the CD. The song sends a positive message to youths to follow the correct path by sticking to the rules and regulations and take time to grow up. Lil Blossom is a member of the Methodist Church Choir and Anastasia Larmonie youth choir. Its cross over jazz. Her CD is available at Methodist Church book store, from Angie Pantophlet at PJD2 radio, Denisia's dad Denisio "Master D" Martimbor or her mom Joanne Martimbor Lewis. The general public is asked to support this young entrepreneur.

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x