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St. Maarten registered one more positive COVID -19 case.

~ person did not travel recently.  79 positive cases.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VSA Richard Panneflek announced on Wednesday during the Council of Ministers Council press briefing that one more person was tested positive for COVID-19. Panneflek said that the person was referred by their house doctor for testing. Panneflek said that the person that has been tested positive did not travel recently and has not been in COVID-19 patients.
The Minister called on everyone to maintain the social distancing guidelines established by healthcare officials, he said persons should continue wearing masks and sanitize as often as possible. The patient Panneflek said was sent home to self-quarantine and remain in contact with CPS.
In the meantime, Minister of TEATT Ludimilla de Weever also called on everyone to take the necessary steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19. De Weever said that St. Maarten will receive a number of students and residents when repatriated back home. De Weever said that the onus to remain safe is on everyone especially seeing what has transpired in the USA where they reopened to early and may soon have to shut down again. She said so far St. Maarten is doing fairly well but it is incumbent on everyone to take all necessary measures especially seeing that the latest case of COVID-19 is not travel related. So far St. Maarten registered 79 positive cases of COVID-19 with 15 registered COVID-19 related deaths.


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