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LU and CIA warned not to open for onsite learning.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministers of Education Rodolphe Samuel and Minister of VSA Richard Panneflek dispatched a letter to the private institutions Learning Unlimited (LU) and the Caribbean International Academy (CIA) informing them that they are to remain closed for onsite education and instead proceed with distant learning.
According to the letter sent to the two private institutions, based on Article 30 of the LB of onderwijs. Article 3 states funderend onderwijs schools also fall under MB 2020 1014, established by the Minister of VSA Richard Panneflek and the Minister of TEATT Ludmilla de Weever states that in light of current development and in line of the various approaches described in St. Maarten education continuity plan, amidst the COVID 19 pandemic which was shared with the schools. The decision made for all schools public or private to remain close for on-site education until for further notice
Learning Unlimited and CIA students are to continue receiving education via distance learning.
This decision is based on evidence provided by the St. Maarten Ministry of Public Health, clustered of cases, and extensive community transmission that currently exists. The Minister of Education and VSA have strongly warned all private educational institutions to comply with the decision communicated on July 31st, 2020 to avoid the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development and the Minister of Education to issue an instruction to cease operations at their schools. These decisions have not been taken lightly but are taken for the safety of the student's teachers and other educational staff.

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