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12 new cases of COVID-19 on St. Martin, 65 active cases.

ars17082020MARIGOT:--- In Saint-Martin, there are 12 new cases confirmed by PCR tests in 3 days, bringing to 121 confirmed cases combined. 49 people are declared healed. Thus 65 people are active carriers of the virus in the territory. These are 2449 PCR tests that have been carried out in total to date.
Regretfully a 51-year-old man passed away he was hospitalized at the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital Center. Two people are in CPR at CHUG and two are hospitalized in Saint Martin.
In Saint-Barthélemy, we are counting 3 new PCR confirmed cases in 3 days, bringing to 16 confirmed cases combined. 9 people are declared healed. Thus 7 people are active carriers of the virus in the territory. These are 1818 PCR tests that have been carried out in total to date.
There are currently 5 hospitalized people in the CHUG CPR service. These are 3 Guadeloupean patients and 2 patients transferred from Saint-Martin.

The RIPOSTE COVID-19 platform, in connection with health insurance partners (CGSS) and public health France, received 552 calls last week.

In order to carry out the contact-tracing activity, it is essential that contact persons communicate as thoroughly and quickly as possible the information on contact cases.

In the private or professional context, respect for barrier gestures is also essential, as well as wearing a mask when physical distancing cannot be permanently ensured.

The ARS reminds you that you must protect yourself, so you will protect others!
The virus doesn't take a vacation! Respect the barriers gestures and wear your mask because the people you are with can be carriers of the virus!

It is essential for everyone to stay careful and respect health measures, including wearing masks in public places as soon as physical distancing cannot be permanently respected.

In addition to places where wearing a mask is mandatory when you wonder about the possibility of wearing it, you must use the ABCD rule:
• A: at risk (be or meet fragile people)
• B: crowded (from the world to cross)
• C: Clos (indoor or outdoor limited space)
• D: Distance hard to respect
If any of these questions, I answer that it's hard to respect physical distancing, I'm putting on the mask!

The COVID-19 epidemic should not make us forget the dengue that is still present: let's destroy our larval gites!

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