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Plenary Public session of Parliament about discussion on Constitutional Affairs in connection with written questions to the Prime Minister on the decolonization process of the Dutch islands.

PHILIPSBURG:---The House of Parliament will sit in a Plenary Public Session on Wednesday, August 26, 2020. The Public meeting is scheduled for 11.00 hrs. and will be held in a virtual setting. The Minister of General Affairs will be in attendance.
The agenda point is:
Discussion on Constitutional Affairs in connection with written questions to the Prime Minister on the decolonization process of the Dutch islands (IS/929/ 2019-2020 dated June 8, 2020 and IS/1099/2019-2020 dated August 5, 2020)

This meeting was requested by MP G.S. Heyliger-Marten, MP O.E.C. Ottley and MP S.M. Bijlani

Due to measures taken to mitigate the coronavirus (COVID-19), the House of Parliament is only allowing persons with an appointment to enter the Parliament building.

The parliamentary session will be held virtually and will be carried out live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 115, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, via the internet, and Parliament’s Facebook page: Parliament of Sint Maarten



Continuation urgent Plenary Public session of Parliament regarding a status update on the SSRP, the assistance programs of the SSRP and the Covid-19 liquidity assistance from the Netherlands and the conditions tied to this assistance

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The House of Parliament will sit in an urgent Plenary Public Session on August 26, 2020. The Public meeting which was adjourned on June 24, 2020, will now take place on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, at 15.00 hrs and will be held in a virtual setting. The Minister of General Affairs and the Minister of Finance will be in attendance.
The agenda point is:
Status update on the SSRP and the assistance programs of the SSRP and Covid-19 liquidity assistance from the Netherlands and the conditions tied to this assistance (IS/946/2019-2020 dated June 16, 2020)
This meeting was requested by MP S.A. Wescot-Williams, MP M.D. Gumbs, and MP C.A.Buncamper
Due to measures taken to mitigate the coronavirus (COVID-19), the House of Parliament is only allowing persons with an appointment to enter the Parliament building.

The parliamentary session will be held virtually and will be carried out live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 115, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, via the internet, and Parliament’s Facebook page: Parliament of Sint Maarten

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