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Wearing masks now mandatory in the busiest areas of Saint-Martin.

masks17092020MARIGOT:--- The health situation on the island of Saint-Martin remains worrisome with 117 active cases and 21 people in the hospital, including 18 at Louis Constant Fleming hospital. The levels of incidence rates (number of positive people per 100 inhabitants per week) and positivity (number of positive people vs the number of tests carried out) remain above the alert thresholds.

Faced with this data, the prefecture of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin has decided to establish by order the wearing of a mandatory mask from 7 am to 2 pm in areas frequented by an important audience, especially the flows drinks, the surroundings of schools and shops, for a month from Friday, September 18th.

Offenders are fined 135 Euros.

During the lockdown, the Prefecture, Initiative Saint-Martin Active, and the Community carried the project to manufacture solidarity masks by 52 seamstresses. 24 masks have already been distributed to the general public and to all schools, administrations, businesses, shops, and associations. Stocks are still available.

In order to guarantee the protection of all, reusable masks can be collected by those wishing to do so at the reception of the Prefecture from September 18th at opening hours to the public.

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