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112 active COVID-19 cases on Saint Martin, 10 hospitalized.

covidchartsxm14102020MARIGOT:--- The ARS in its weekly report states that St. Martin registered 65 new cases of COVID-19 this week, the number has doubled from last week (33 in S40). Taking into consideration the consolidated data for weeks 39 and 40 (of 21 to September 27, 2020, and from September 28 to October 4), this brings the cumulative coronavirus cases confirmed by PCR to 5011

Saint-Barthélemy: The number of new cases among residents is 3. This brings to 67 the number of cumulative cases of coronavirus confirmed by PCR tests.

Hospitalized and Deceased

CH Louis-Constant Fleming is very mobilized for crisis management. Hospital activity escalated this week. Although by October 11, the number of medical hospitals has stayed stable, 6 patients confirmed COVID, the number of evasans completed in week 41 is very high. 10 COVID and non-COVID patients had to be evacuated, i.e. 4 COVID patients admitted to CPR in Guadeloupe (1) and CHU in Martinique (3) and 6 non-COVID patients transferred to resuscitation to the Guadeloupe CHU.

Number of tests

In Saint-Martin: An additional 349 tests were carried out in the laboratory and hospital, with a total of 5801 tests enregistrés3.

In Saint-Barthélemy: 186 additional tests were carried out in the lab, with a total of 3347 tests enregistrés4.
The drive is operational at Louis Constant Fleming hospital in Saint-Martin, (from 8 am to 12 pm) with a capacity of 50 samples/day.

Virus circulation

Viral traffic levels are increasing on Saint Martin. This situation is worrying. Early detection of positive cases needs to be strengthened, tracing contacts, enforce isolation when necessary to avoid transmission chain installation and the development of contamination homes. 1 high criticality cluster is underway investigation in Saint Martin.

Virus transmission is very often done in the private sphere (family events) or the professional sphere (at your workplace).

Our seniors are particularly affected by the serious forms of the disease. Let's all be especially alert when we visit them, whether it's at home or in the EHPAD.

Fragile people, often carrying chronic diseases, must protect themselves essentially through barriers but also by refusing physical contacts (hugs, hugs, etc.). In case of symptoms, these people are invited to contact their treating doctor early signals.

Tracking indicators

The ARS closely follows the indicators put in place for the monitoring of the deconfinement:

- The incidence rate that measures the number of people positive for Covid-19 per 100 inhabitants over a week. Two thresholds are set, a threshold of vigilance at 10/100 inhabitants and an alert threshold of 50/100 inhabitants. High incidence reflects cluster development or active viral circulation.

- The positivity rate that measures the number of people positive for Covid-19 / the number of tests carried out over a week. Two thresholds are set, a 5 % vigilance threshold and a 10 % alert threshold.

In Saint-Martin, the incidence rate has doubled from 92,32 / 100 to 181,84/100 It is well above the alert.

The positivity rate over the past week has risen from last week to 18,62 (11,26 % last week).
Thus these two indicators evolve unfavorably. The incidence rate of all age groups has risen sharply: multiplied by 5 for 20-30-year-olds (249,04/100), by 4 for 30-40-year-olds (415,32/100 ), and by 3 among 40-50-year-olds (200,06/100).

In Saint-Barthélemy, this incidence rate has decreased from 100,71/100 to 000 30,63 It remains above the warning threshold. The positivity rate over the past week is 1,61 % (versus 5,71 % week 40), below the threshold of vigilance

Advice to the population

In the case of suspected contamination, with or without symptoms, it is imperative not to move to your doctor's office. He needs to be reached by phone first.

The RIPOSTE COVID-19 platform, in conjunction with the partners of health insurance (CGSS) and public health France is carrying out a very important survey work to identify contact cases and for requests for information on the methods of screening (difficulties for appointments with laboratories, contact details of screening centers, planning of traveling screening in the communes, screening for metropolis or Antilles, prevention measures to be put in place in companies and procedures to have employees tested, the conduct to be kept for contact persons, requests for screening in public or private institutions...).
The platform continues to process a large number of calls (663 calls over the period).

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