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Sint Maarten Lions Club Recognizes World Diabetes Day.

“Remains Committed to Health & Wellness”

lions12112020PHILIPSBURG:--- In recognition of World Diabetes Day, which is celebrated this Saturday, November 14th, the Sint Maarten Lions Club has made use of the club’s neighborhood signs to send out an island wide message: “Together We Can Stop Diabetes”.

The billboards were recently revamped post-Hurricane Irma and reflect Lion’s colors of yellow and blue on a white background. With the support of local corporate partners across all sectors of industries, the billboards will continue to be used throughout each Lionistic year to send positive messages that would encourage our communities to act towards improving our daily lives. They can be seen along side major roads, including the entrance of St. Johns, Madam Estate, Union Road, and Airport Road. For the entire month of November, the diabetes message will remain on the billboards.

Next March 2021 will mark the 14th year since the Sint Maarten Lions Club started the community Health & Wellness Fair Project, named “The Lion Rudy Hoeve Health & Wellness Fair” in honor of one of its members. A project with the primary objective to not only educate our population about best health practices but also to serve as a platform for various health care providers and foundations to come together on an annual basis to share new innovations in the health sector and perform various health tests. Organizations like the Diabetes Foundation, Aids Foundation, Preventive Health Care Services Units of the Government, local dentists and doctors, St. Maarten Medical Center, Mental Health Foundation, the Positive Foundation, and insurance companies have all been at the very core and successes of the annual activity over the past years.

The Chairman of the Health & Wellness Committee, Lion Jimmy Challenger: “We are living in unprecedented times. Not only has the Coronavirus Pandemic changed the manner in which we execute our community projects, but it has also brought about, at least temporarily, a shift into limited funding available to cover the costs of “traditional” ways of doing things. Every activity budgeted must take into account the risks of human engagement and factor in preventative measures to reduce the spread of the virus. It is in this light that we have begun a visual campaign, making use of various forms of media outlets and our district billboards to send a message that the club remains committed to the healthy wellbeing of our nation, with specific attention to the fight against Diabetes, Sight and other health-related challenges affecting our people.” All past and future stakeholders of the Health & Wellness Fair 2021 are welcome to contact any of the club members or WhatsApp 5233587 for more information and participation.

This project and all projects this year are part of the Sint Maarten Lions Club 50th Anniversary celebration for 2020-2021 under the theme "50 Years of Dedicated Service and Commitment to our Community". The Sint Maarten Lions Club will celebrate 50 years of existence on December 12th as it was chartered on that very same day back in 1970.

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