Speaking to some families they said that workers on St. Maarten can no longer give their all to their employers simply because they either have to think about their safety on the job, their homes and even their children who are at school. One mother who spoke to us on the condition of anonymity said while she needs to work to feed and finance her children's education she could never be the employee she was 25 years ago. "Back then I could have left my doors open, my car unlocked and I never had to worry when my children left for school.
While at work I know that it was about working and then going home to my family. But today I have to prepare myself for gunmen while at work, I have to wonder about my home while I am working and most off all I now have to worry if my 12 year old grandchild would make it back home safely from school." The woman said she is not the only person working in stores and other established businesses on the island that is working and living in fear. She went on to say that the only thing the police concentrate on is the illegal workers and not the illegal criminals who are loitering and stealing from innocent people.
Another thing is that while illegal's or foreigners are being blamed for most of the crimes committed on St. Maarten, locals she said need to take stock since their children are mostly involved in criminal activities. "We need to stop the I from here theory and realize we are not helping our children this way. I agree there needs to be control and immigration control is necessary but the men in blue needs to pool their resources and do better if they are to fight crime."
Over the past two years the police have become criminals themselves, corruption within the police force is written on the wall. It is well documented in the WODC, Suzy Camilla Romer, the Fred Weil reports all of which is at the liberty of the police management and the minister of justice.
In these reports anyone interested in improving the police force on St. Maarten can do so if they only take the time to study these reports and fix that which is wrong. It has been years now the police force on St. Maarten have been screaming that they are understaffed and more so have limited training. Despite the challenges though, those in the force that mean well are doing their utmost best to solve crimes and to protect the people they swore to protect.
Several well established business men and women are on the verge of leaving the friendly island due to the increased crime rate. Many of them said while they are burdened with taxes, and are confronted with boastful politicians whose political campaigns they must finance, safety and security is placed on the back burners. One businessman said during elections the politicians would make so much promises but the minute they get in office they forget what they promised. He said if the politicians use their influence in parliament and within the governing structure they are bound to improve the current police force.
The businessman said that families need to restore their values and forget about the material things they placed before their children. "As an employer and father I always consider the mothers that work for me, I know they have to spend time with their children." The businessman said he has been operating on St. Maarten for the past 40 years and he is now thinking of leaving. He said in the past the youths used to show respect for adults, their teachers and parents would do their share at home, but today there is a lost generation, children are making children.
St. Maarten has recorded a host of murders many of which are still unsolved, each year cases are placed in the cold files and families of these victims still cannot find peace knowing the killers of their love ones are roaming freely.
The police and RST are currently investigating the murders of Haresh Dayalani, David Eustace from Casa Blanca, Saliba Absalon(Haitian) Eric Yuan Sam (Afoo), Hensley from Lake Guess House shooting in 2007 and the murder of Basilio Bruno also known as Eddy of the Back Street barber shop, his alleged killer is now pending extradition in Canada.
Detectives Removed from Murder Investigations.
While there is an urgent need for the police to solve these murder cases because the number is rising by the day and people fear for their lives, a trend that is definitely dampening the economy during a global crisis. The management team are busy removing seasoned detectives from these investigations.
Over the past months at least two detectives were removed from one of the unsolved murder investigation. They are detective Carlton Phillips and detective Norwin Villarreal. The remaining investigating officers arrested two suspects for the same murder investigation but eight days later the suspects was released for the lack of evidence. SMN News learnt that detective Villarreal is currently under investigation. But so far no one wants to say exactly why the detective was removed and what he is being accused of. SMN News contacted acting chief commissioner of police Dafnis Francessca for a comment on this case and he said right now there is an internal investigation ongoing against Villarreal. Francessca said the detective knows why he was removed and he also knows that his removal from the detective department is temporary pending the investigation. "I just cannot say anything right now about Villarreal case, I have to wait on the outcome of the investigation" Francessca said. As for Phillips, Francessca said he will not even address the case. "I don't even want to talk about Phillips" Francessca declared.
SMN News also contacted Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos for a comment on the ongoing investigation regarding Villarreal and was told that the person to answer our question is Assistant Chief Commissioner of Police Ademar Doran. Unfortunately he is never reachable by phone. Mos said his office was not involved in the removal of Villarreal and his office would not comment on the Phillips saga.
Detective Carlton Phillips late last year said members of the management team of the police force are enriching themselves while they were busy victimizing innocent and hardworking officers. Phillips also called on the police management and the prosecutor's office to launch an investigation to clear his name since he was accused of destroying evidence while heading the CID department. After Philips spoke out an internal investigation was conducted but to date the results of that investigation is not known and Phillips is now pushed aside even though he is an asset to the police force and certainly an asset to solving some of these unsolved murders.