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ujima08032010Philipsburg: ---In keeping with its objectives to reach out to other young people and organizations in the community, CPYP on Saturday organized a movie outing for the boys at Ujima Foundation.
Accompanying the children was Mr. Lawson, student caretaker, on weekends and members of the CPYP.
Ujima Foundation caters to young boys from the age of eight years old that are experiencing difficulty in the area of social- emotional development. These youngsters are offered placement at the home, operated by the Foundation for a certain period of time, during which they receive the necessary attention.
It is CPYP's intention to have monthly outings with the children. While receiving the necessary attention at the Home, the children should not have the feeling that they are alienated from society. The CPYP will do it's part in keeping the children in touch with society through social events. Through these types of activities, the children can interact with the adults and other children at these outings.
CPYP would like to express its gratitude to Caribbean cinemas Megaplex 7 and its general manager Mr. B. Flanders for assisting the children with complementary tickets as well as Mrs. J. Bell, facility director for allowing the children to participate in the outing.
It takes a community to turn the tide, says CPYP, so let us do it together.
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