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Peridot Foundation Message: International Women’s Day March 8, a call to March Forward in spite of COVID-19 Setbacks”

PHILIPSBURG:--- Peridot Foundation states: “Until further notice, enjoy life as it is and celebrate every moment”.
Facing challenges is nothing new as the world commemorates International Women’s Day on March 8, 2021. The past year was dominated by the Covid- 19 world-pandemic and the hardships created in its path of destruction. The United Nation’s theme justifiably places the spot-light on this virus as it threatens to set back achievements made by women and men over many decades in the social, academic, cultural, economic, and political arena. How can women be equal partners in decision-making processes, especially in policy-making in a Covid-19 world?

“The underlying theme of this year is: ‘#Choose to Challenge’. Taking specific policy actions to halt the setbacks at the same time create new opportunities requires a partnership between government and civic society together making a conscious decision to move forward”.

Arrindell continues and said: In order to conquer the challenges caused by the current pandemic and emerge successfully we must commit to pool our resources, creativity, human and financial capabilities. It’s equally imperative to invest in research and development with the objective to establish policies to elevate and strengthen women in society regardless of social standing or financial position. For example, we must resort to collect reliable, up to date, and consistent data about how Covid-19 affects women for example:
1. Let us begin at the workplace. How many women have been laid off? How many women returned to work and under what conditions. Were women laid off in higher proportion than men? How many women returned to work and under what conditions? How many women remain unemployed. How many women have been retrained and started their own businesses under the specific Dutch Trust-fund and other related programs?
2. Financial/economic: challenges: what is the percentage of women-owned businesses closed permanently due to the government-mandated shutdown? How many women re-opened their doors and under what conditions. What type of businesses are most affected negatively? What is the number of new businesses established by women in spite of the pandemic?
3. Personal circumstances: is there an increase in violence against women at home and or in the workplace? If yes, how many women are affected and how are they assisted in the aftermath of such incidents?

Peridot Foundation concludes and states: “collecting information in order to have reliable data gives policy- and decision-makers the right tools to plan and introduce effective short, mid and long- term projects and programs that elevate individual woman by extension make our society stronger”

Finally: “We take this opportunity to express our sincerest gratitude to the Community Centry-Hill Foundation who commissioned Mr. Micheal Maghiro for the repair of the statue: ‘GUARDING LOVED ONES YOU MAY LOOSE’ located at the Church- hill roundabout. Wishing everyone Happy International Women’s Day March 8, 2021.

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